the long and sweet dream it was once, but a twist in the end has made the dream sour. By chemical formula:
Sweet Dreams(g) + Twist(s) --> Nightmare(l)
amazing experiment.
all i can say is ’sorry’ if there was anything that i did wrongly.
All i wish for is that each will live happily ever...
all that i care is no longer u.
what a stupid wish, or maybe i should wish her to die or become really bad or something liked that..? But i can’t do it, call me a fool or chicken...i don’t care. Threr will always be a place in each others heart for both of us, what has happened in the past will history, nothing can take it away from us. Whether those memories were sweet, painful or bitter like now, they are the flavours of life, lets just hope that we will be able to carry on with life as usual.
Its amazing at how people can change. One moment u r still speaking on the phone, and then the next shes laughing her head off at u ..is this what we call a wolf wearing sheep wool on top?
Looking back, one year in july, i wanted to join Hong Lok...there were lots of photos about Hong Lok that rondo took, it was so funny...now one year later, i’m training with them. If not for brother Sun, i would have a place in the youth team. If only brother Seng coached the youth team.....o...that is life!
With so much exams coming up, i find it extremely difficult to get time to do my things, lets just hope i can do well in my exams...
Starting with the Mock GCE exams
then GCE Exams
then the fuck’in PISA test
u know i don’t have much confidence in my GCE, i always make mistakes in some very stupid questions, i just hope that i can be less careless in my 4 exams ( 2 long questions paper, 2 short questions paper)
louis and tou...whats up man? u guys have gone nuts today...i just can’t believe u guys could be like that, anyway, i give in, and sorry if i owe u one...
I’m starting to like 張含韻’s new album <我很張含韻>
and also 何以奇’s <黑白世界> ...
both albums are very good for those who like putonghua songs...execellent, ...there is sure to be a song for u!
Keep both feet on the ground before u start flying off into your dreams!