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2005-09-28 21:09:42| 人氣72| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

To all my football friends

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Ferguson said: "We had a young team but I tell the young players ’you should have no fear, you are playing every day with the greatest players in Britain - people like Rooney, van Nistelrooy, Ronaldo and Keane - so when you are doing well in training you can take that anywhere, that’s your passport’.

"There’s no point feeling sorry for yourself, you just have to get on with it and we did.’’


Brother Seng said: "We had a young team but I tell the young players ’you should have no fear, you are playing every day with the greatest players in Macau - people like Jim, Ronald, Cat and Dan - so when you are doing well in training you can take that anywhere, that’s your passport’.

"There’s no point feeling sorry for yourself, you just have to get on with it and we did.’’

台長: *傻豬▂_
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