been do’in lots these few day...played soceer, study, feel my life is finally getting normal again. today win 10dollars in ’chai mui’. used the money to gamble...haha...hope will win, i’ll give some to charity if it does.
today have good chat and time with friends after school. had some afternoon tea at gosta McDonald, and saw romeo&girlfriend. ok-la...not ver pretty, but at least not ugly...=="
went to tutation class and finally did something maths by meself, not ronald. then we went to chemistry, finally remembered sth., buit still dunno how to do the question. anyway, got through it.
rented some goood comics..haha...’he is my master’...attractive name...at least i couldn’t resist it.
happy news, i’m now 5th. in the macau district for the fantasy league. i’m in 5th for this month(sept.) and i have a very good chane of getting in the top3, coz 3rd. and 4th are just 3pts. above me. i’m 34th. on the overall table, missing one game, if i hadn’t miss that, i would be somewhere near 15th....anyway,, no worries, i get there very soon.
thats all 4now...cheers everybody!