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4 In The Morning

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Gwen Stefani-4 In The Morning

Wakin up to find another day

醒過來 又是另一天

The moon got lost again last night

昨晚的月亮 又消失不見

But now the sun has finally had it’s say


I guess I feel alright


But it hurts when I think, when I let it sink in

突然一陣心悸 當我想起 當那感覺入侵

It’s all over me


I know you’re here, in the dark

把我心佔據 就像躺在黑暗裡

I’m watchin you sleep, it hurts a lot

看著你睡去 讓我心痛不已

And all I know is you’ve got to give me everything

我以為 你會為我付出一切

And nothing else, cause you know I’d give you all of me

毫不保留 因為我是這樣對你

I’d give you everything that I am


I’m handin over everything that I’ve got

我所擁有的 都交給你

Cause I wanna have a really true love


Don’t ever wanna have to go and give you up

從沒想過 你會走 我得放手

Stay up till four in the morning and the tears are pouring

讓我為你徹夜不眠 獨飲流不完的淚水

And I wanna make it worth the fight

那些爭吵 可以再殘酷一點

What have we been doing for all this time

這些年來 我們剩下什麼

Baby if we’re gonna do it come and do it right


All I wanted was to know and say


Don’t wanna lose the love I found

我想要的 只是安定的感覺

Remember when you said that you would change

你曾經對我說 你會改的

Don’t let me down


It’s not fair, how you are

別讓我失望 那不是現在的你

I can’t be complete, can you give me more

不再完整的我 可以要回什麼?

Oh please, you know what I need

求求你 你知道我要什麼

Save all your lovin for me


We can’t escape the love


With everything that you have

把你一切都給我 都給了你 給了我自己

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