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2007-03-22 20:57:49| 人氣75| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

The soul of mirror 1

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The corner of the mirror is reflected by light.
A no color light, and without any others.
A shadow pass trough in front of my eyes, as I am captivated by light that is colorless.
The shadow had attracted me. I leave the mirror and think about it, what is this? Is that a ghost or a soul?
Then, I had lost my time to continue my thought, because a sound, which is the softest in all the sound I has heard.
“ Sorry, can you give me something?”
I cannot say anything cause of air is talking to me.
“Oh, I forgot to let myself become a human looks. I am so sorry that I had scared you but I really needs something now, if I finished my work I will owe you till die.”
“I also must say sorry, what kind of ‘something’ do you need? ” I try to say as loud as possible.
“Any, just give me something can defeat the monster. ”
I cannot understand what she really need and what thing can I give, but her face looks worried, so I stop answer the difficult question and find my baseball.
“This is the only thing I can find that seems can win the monster. Good luck for you, see you next time.”
She disappear in my sight, I walk to the front of the mirror, and look at the light again, thinking that how she go into the mirror and appear in front of it, whether she will give my baseball back or not.




台長: 巧伶
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