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2005-11-09 11:14:02| 人氣95| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Biggest Part Of Me To: My young      master

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if you’ve ever had a broken heart
You promise yourself to never let it happen again
Don’t wanna think about it, don’t wanna dream about it
But it finds its way back into your head
The i love you’s, the i need you’s are only words that people say
They’re just words when they’re hand in hand with the games that people play

But if i never see the top of a mountain
If i never set one foot in the sea
I promise i’ll love you forever
You’ll always be the biggest part of me
Wherever you go, whatever you do, i will follow
You’ve changed the way that i used to think
I promise you i’ll love you forever
You’ll always be the biggest part of me

Take a look at me, i let you have my heart
I swore i’d never let it happen again
I’m not mad about it, i’m kinda glad about it
Cuz i know on you girl i can depend

I love you, i need you, are only words that people say
They’re just words when they’re hand in hand with the games that people play


I believe, i believe, i believe in love again
And i swear i’ll always be there
Isn’t this the way that it should be?

台長: 放羊的星星
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