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2011-05-19 10:58:43


“Metro”,移動設備視覺語言的新新人類 http://www.inspirr.com 何謂“Metro”?“Metro”本意是指“地鐵”。縱觀機場、地鐵、公交線路圖等,會發現這些導視設計都具有高度概括性,對比度強烈等特點,并被...

2011-05-19 10:54:29


ERP選型的五個方法(慈溪任我行公司提供) http://www.asiaworld-expo.com 方法一:對自己的企業進行全面評估,了解清楚自己的需求:對于ERP實施的目的、意義、實施后希望達到的效果、流程的變革等一系列的問題都...

2011-05-19 10:54:02


ERP實施的突破口:從人的心理入手 http://www.asiaworld-expo.com   樹立起大家對ERP系統的期待和信心,在項目開展之初相當必要,如果成功,這將成為項目實施的突破口。   2005年8月,我受聘于一家港資...

2011-05-19 10:53:28


EWEBS應用虛擬化物流行業解決方案剖析 http://www.asiaworld-expo.com   有人說,物流企業,被一個“流”字概括了,對外,是大量貨物的流動;對內,是大量信息數據的流動。  這個說法真是形象,對物流企...

2011-05-19 10:52:41

How Do I Become a Higher Education Consultant?

How Do I Become a Higher Education Consultant? http://www.pagepersonnel.com.hk If you want to become a higher education consultant, you typically must hold an advanced degree yours...

2011-05-19 10:52:00

How Do I Become a Histopathologist?

How Do I Become a Histopathologist? http://www.pagepersonnel.com.hk A histopathologist is a medical doctor who specializes in the study of human or animal tissue. More specifically...

2011-05-19 10:51:38

How Do I Become a Hotel Receptionist?

How Do I Become a Hotel Receptionist? http://www.pagepersonnel.com.hk A hotel receptionist is one who works at the front desk and checks guests in and out of the hotel, and may occ...

2011-05-19 10:47:16

Costello Tagliapietra

Costello Tagliapietra www.schiesser.hk 這一季Arthur Rackham 和Gustaf Tenggren上演的是一出童話故事,讓人看到設計師天真的另一面。他們力圖將每一個模特都打造成一位有個性的童話公主,並且...

2011-05-19 10:44:19


COPY好萊塢明星時髦大衣裝扮 www.schiesser.hk 潮流瞬息萬變,要對流行點的把握謹慎到位的確有點難為MM們!其實也不用發愁,很簡單,看看明星們平時怎麼穿大衣吧,模仿著買件差不多的不就解決了...

2011-05-19 10:38:30

ctf2 Day,帶你暢享消費新時尚

ctf2 Day,帶你暢享消費新時尚 www.schiesser.hk   喜歡新鮮、喜歡變的你,怎麼可以被錢包牽絆追求時尚的腳步?   為了讓你Be everything you want,周大福集團旗下潮流配飾品牌ctf2特別...

2011-05-19 10:37:11

4 Special Birthday Gifts To Your Mother On Her

4 Special Birthday Gifts To Your Mother On Her 60th Birthday Celebration www.little-angel-secret.com You can make your mother's 60th birthday more special by giving her persona...

2011-05-19 10:36:18

3 Different Kinds of Organic Tshirts and What to Choose

3 Different Kinds of Organic Tshirts and What to Choose www.little-angel-secret.com It is not a secret now that the demand for organic cotton clothing is rising quickly. People a...

2011-05-19 10:35:56

4 Tips on Wedding Gown Petticoats

4 Tips on Wedding Gown Petticoats www.little-angel-secret.com If you are intending on your special day, you must understand that there are a lot of points to consider before the ...

2011-05-19 10:35:37


票選最佳秋裝搭配現場示范 www.mfjewel.com.hk PClady獨家專稿,未經許可請勿轉載!   人氣指數:★★★★☆   推薦理由:黑色西裝外套與襯衫的搭配,顯得帥氣十足,具有淡淡的...

2011-05-19 10:35:06

飄雪平安夜 羽絨服暖身也暖心

飄雪平安夜 羽絨服暖身也暖心 www.mfjewel.com.hk PClady獨家專稿,未經許可請勿轉載!   俏皮小魔女   平時臃腫的羽絨服只會讓自己看上去蒼老不少。平安夜可千萬別這樣約會男...

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