昨晚睡的不太安穩 也不知道為什麼
今天早上被自己強烈快速的心跳聲驚醒 好像在作夢又好像是真的
總之不知道 心臟是不是真的那麼快速的在跳動 很怪 是星期一症候群嗎?
一切還是如往常般的進行 7點半出門去學校 開始一天
然後很累的回來 其實也沒做什麼 就有一種很累的感覺
這個星期有兩天要當美展的工作人員 所以不會在教室
算一算這個星期只有兩天會在教室裡 真是妙啊~~~~
九月已經過去了 半年的實習已經過了1/3了 日子過的好像真的有點快
可是我還是在數日子 哈哈 就是認為辛苦的時間總是很漫長
這個禮拜有機會一定要教小西瓜們跳律動 因為下下星期就要主持晨會了
很驚!!!尤其是我這個肢體不太協調的人 a little 擔心
Best Of Me
I was made the wrong way, won't you do me the right way
Where you gonna be tonight, 'cos I won’t stay too long
Maybe you're the life for me, when you talk to me it strikes me
Won't somebody help me, 'cos I don't feel too strong
Was it something that I said , was it something that I did
Or the combination of both that did me in
You know I am hoping you sing alone, though its not your favorite song
Don't wanna be the wind there's nothing left to say
You know that some of us spin again, when you do you need a friend
Don't wanna be the wind there's nothing left for me
And I hate to thou of finally been erased
Baby that's best of me
Everything's behind you, but the hopeless signs beside you
Ever name the moment have I wasted all your time
Was it something that I said , was it something that I did
Or the combination of both that did me in
You know I am hoping you sing alone, though it's not your favorite song
Don't wanna be the wind there's nothing left to say
You know that some of us spin again, when you do you need a friend
Don't wanna be the wind there's nothing left for me
And I hate to thou of finally been erased
But baby that's the best of me
Baby that's the best of me
You know I am hoping you sing alone, though its not your favorite song
Don't wanna be the wind there's nothing left to say
You know that some of us spin again, when you do you need a friend
Don't wanna be the wind there's nothing left for me
And I hate to thou of finally been erased
Baby that's best of me
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