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2007-11-10 22:07:30


Today went down to my new company to submit my cert for them to apply my working permit in order i can be start my work asap reached to the office it was around 1130am and it was already la...

2007-11-10 00:22:57

Final to the end

being went for interview till i really sick of waiting the response finally i get an offered it was when i was in cab to another interview late in the afternoon the new employer who want to ...

2007-11-09 01:56:53


being addicted to Maple story had being watched my youngest sister playing this game by herself and she had being move out and stayed with her boyfriend for quite some time so the game wa...

2007-11-08 03:09:05


It’s really quite a sometime i didnot come and blog my blog via using English either i was copied some nice article and pasted in my blog and shared out with others that would be my recent...

2007-11-07 00:14:08

Nice to share (2)

12星座你的人缘好坏 白羊座(03/21-04/20)   白羊座的人缘尚算不俗,不过由于依赖性过强,不知不觉成了朋友的负担,令友人对你渐感烦厌。你和水瓶座的人可谓最难相处,时常发生争执,幸好他们不太记仇,否则...

2007-11-06 23:48:39

Nice to share

星男vs星女一见钟情 白羊座男生遇到水瓶座女生会一见钟情。 水瓶女很会放电,白羊男一下子就被电到了,而且电到之后很难忘怀对方的倩影,认为水瓶女非常的美、亮丽、妩媚妖娇,而且水瓶女的放电只有被她放电...

2007-11-04 21:50:42
2007-10-31 01:50:07

pay cut due to the careless of my work

this few day i can’t really sleep well it’s because being called in to her office to disscuss of the ”incident” I was think that don’t know whether she is purposely make the things ...

2007-10-29 12:42:46

updating my blog

it’s quite sometime i didnot come here and update my blog already maybe I don’t have much to update further more I don’t know what to be write here Works as per normal wake up mor...

2007-10-22 23:34:15


最近写的文章都是以无题为标题 没有特意的去想该以什么来当文章的标题 以前就会去花心思去想 现在多以无题来当我的文章标题了 酵素 妈妈帮我在做着酵素 想 过些日子就可以喝它了 星期六这天...

2007-10-22 17:26:52


公司有老鼠来光临 上下都大惊失色似的 真的有些滑稽

2007-10-19 09:10:29


酵素 我也来参一脚 上些天在回家的途中经过一间店子 进去问道 是否有卖空的瓶子 店员就大力的推荐他们店里的空瓶子 价钱还蛮合理 买了个瓶子回家了 有了瓶子 应该没有什么还需要准备的东...

2007-10-16 21:52:07


星期五 上个星期五 没有所谓的"轰动"事件发生 现在是 各怀鬼胎的状况吧 都猜不到她在想什么 一个很怪的人 工作 帮她赶完了 有人说 她是过河拆桥吧 所以才会那么的去执行她的行动 She cant do ...

2007-10-10 17:52:40

start missing you

朋友开始休假了 他说到 大概会休息四五天 在他还没有去休假的时候 还他特意简讯捣蛋我提到 要好好的想他喔 昨天 在网上跟他有一答没一答的谈天 半途 他下线了简讯我道他接机去了 晚上...

2007-10-09 23:47:40


希望 这个恶梦可以快些结束 人 真的很心寒 quite release now if really compared with the ealier stage the time prayed hard to that 希望在明天 awaiting to the final reaction of that

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