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2010-06-29 21:13:26| 人氣92| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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I hate swirl,
it's almost killed me as usual.
Today it's happened unexpectedly.

I just fooled around purposeless,
then suddenly the pictures came,
we sitting together,
side by side to sharing everything,
arise in my mind.
It was like a needle pricked my heart,
such painful that made me stopped my feet.

I looked around trying to found something,
or avoided something.
Because my eyes almost full of the water
and had no idea what to do.

Sun was so big to dried my eyes,
wind was so gentle to blew my sorrow,
sky was so huge to contained my missing,
road was so long to left my home.

You are so far to swirl my heart as usual.


台長: esperanza
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