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2010-06-16 23:28:40| 人氣102| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

People comes and go

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Talked with a friend, he told me:" There will always have old people leaving and also have new people coming into your life."

Recently one of my very good friend decide to move back her hometown from here. After he told me that, I can not stop dripping some tears. People comes and go, I should used to. Right?!

You are far from me now, even you wrote a email to me and told me you miss many things here a lot. Are there including me? You asked me, are you a stupid guy?! How can I say? If you didn't leave, you wouldn't find out you miss here. But now, you are far from here, probably we won't see each other any more. That's is a cruel thing for me to imagine what if or what now.

I can not to stop changing, no matter people or things. Let times goes by, like the river bring the fallen leaves away, the waves clear the prints on the beach.

台長: esperanza
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