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20131128 Day 6 浪石村老家-到桂林/陽朔絕不能錯過夜宿清朝老宅的時空之旅

20131128 Day 6 浪石村老家-到桂林/陽朔絕不能錯過夜宿清朝老宅的時空之旅


浪石村距離楊堤碼頭只有10分鐘的船程,這裡有兩個老外超有名,因為他們20131月份在這裡租了一間清朝老宅,據說地主以前有9個姨太太,就不知道租到的這間是第幾個姨太太住的了,靠著他們倆個一點一點的原樣整理,於2013夏季的尾巴,民宿開始營業。他們將民宿取名叫 老家 Liao Jia. 如果你在airbnb 上打桂林,甚至是中國,老家目前是第一個跳出來。

10 min raft trip from Yang Di , 2 famous“foreigner” rent an Ching Dynasty Resident which the owner used to have ninewife. The Resident is unknown which wife had lived before; however, now it hasbeen transformed into an guest house. Ranking number 1 on the airbnb website ifyou key in China or Guilin. The “foreigner” repair the resident based on itsoriginal material, they called it “Liao Jia” meaning "Old Home".


Nana造訪的時候只有一個host在家,Eric,村民都叫他 安睿,他可是加拿大UBC的高材生喔。他也擁有一艘竹筏,要拜訪老家,他會開船去接你。這個check in的過程,只有老家的客人獨享。

When nana visit Liao Jia, only one host ishome who is Eric, owns a raft on his own. The unique experience to check into LiaoJia is Eric has to pick you up and a boat ride with you to the village.



靦腆的安睿               尋常的大門後就是老家了     小庭院,庭院後面是廚房

Shy Eric             Liao Jia is behine this ordinarydoor     a small courtyard


好美的木窗木門                          挑高的大廳                    餐桌是兩扇門拼成的

Wood window and door               living room                     dining table is made by 2 doors




One room on two sidethe other guest stay in Liao Jia with me is Janneke from Netherlands.I look so fat next to beautiful Janneke, skip me. Janneke is a writer, her planof travel is 3 month.





Nana的房間入口                     乾淨的床鋪                       極簡裝飾,一張桌子,一盞燈

Nana’s room                             clean bed                             a desk, a light




Clean, simple, shared bathroom and shower




Used to be sink, right now become a display




The other empty room. Liao Jia only have 4rooms, make sure to make reservation fast. The other guest arrived later isStef, also from Netherlands, plan to stay in China for 1 month.



上樓看看                  冥想室

Upstairs, one side is meditation room, theother side is storage. Eric mentioned they are trying to make more rooms toaccommodate more guest. But the wooden floor have squeaking sound, have to fixthe sound first.




The Buddha place used to be covered byyears of years of black dust due to smoke. After clean up, beautiful carving reveals. “Vase”symbolize peaceful life in China.





Local housewife is hired to cook local foodfor the guest. Delicious. Everyone hang out at dining table enjoy Chinesetea/sweets, and talk about their stories. I treasure this relax moment, chatwith new friends from all over the world. Believe the experience only happenwhen you travel.



Construction, new brick houses iseverywhere in village. The reservation of Liao Jia is even more precious.




Speaking Mandarin makes me easier to communicatewith local people. One of neighbor invites me to see his house. I believe this“SINGER” sewing machine is an antique, but still well function.



I am glad to stay at Liao Jia at a last minutenotification to Eric. So close not able to stay due to full occupancy. Rememberthey only have 4 rooms. Appreciate Eric and his partner repair and maintain LiaoJia into his original style. If there is a tourist coming up to the island,villagers is pound to introduce Liao Jia. However, how come your behavior is theother way around to tear down old houses but build new ones?


Suggest everyone if you plan to visitGuilin/ Yangshou, pay a visit to Liao Jia. Touched by the most authenticChinese experience ever. You can walk along the beautiful Yongshou Li River, discoverthe natural caves, hiking on the mountains, enjoy the peaceful country side. Aplace you can’t miss.



20140204 nana

台長: nana
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