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why abstract???

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Why abstract art is so pupular?


Abstract art or, abstractionism, is one of the most prestigious in contemporary art. Through extra-ordinary combinations of shapes and various colours it meant to inspire and to develop higher consciousness and understanding in people. Abstract art is popular today, especially among the elite and spiritual people.

Masters of abstract paintings were such famous painters as Kazimir Malevich, Francis Pikabiya, Vasilii Kandinskii and many others. Nowadays, abstract paintings are enjoyed by many connoisseurs of fine work which justifies their considerable value.

1. Limitations: Abstract works of art can be incorporated harmoniously into practically any stylistic, contemporary interior. Abstract pictures can provide a stark accent to unobtrusive, soft décor. They can also enhance the setting and add vigour to diluted, pastel shades with splashes of colour.

2. Relevancy: In essence, abstract paintings are unique in comparison to any other contemporary movement in the field of interior design. They can suit a range of styles from contemporary décors to minimalistic interiors and ethnic motifs.

3. Multicolour: There are no definite rules as to the use of colour in abstract paintings, therefore, you can always find a stylish abstract canvas to suit your choice of interior.

4. Conforming to Individual Demands: Abstract art conjures up different associations for different people. Some associations may be individual to people, some may be common. Abstract art is similar to an ocean - its directions and meanings are enormous. This is the reason why people can chose the art-piece that suits them.

5. Influence on Spirituality: With regard to a person's mental well-being, abstract works of art can act as an antidote for weariness and depression. They are actively used as a form of Art Therapy. Talented artists in their abstract artworks can draw something that will inspire the human psyche and emotions.

6. Formulation of the Image: Anyone who has abstract paintings hanging on the walls of their living room or office has incredibly good taste. These paintings give hints that the person is contemporary in their style and is an avid follower of the latest trends in interior design. Abstract art paintings which could be displayed in reception areas, offices, restaurants and living rooms.

As a rule, abstract paintings are not associated with common practices. An abstract painting can be a great present for anyone who values style or who really understands contemporary paintings. These works of art can be given as a present at any occasion; the main thing is to pay attention to what is depicted on the canvas.

In summary, having familiarised yourself with the fundamental values and advantages of abstract paintings, you can decide which ones to choose for yourself or which ones to give as a present for someone else.

Article Source: ABC Article Directory

台長: Nana


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