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2010-03-28 00:33:43| 人氣82| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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You came to my dream, but I dare not look straight into your eyes.
The school was the same, and I am the fresh one.

I just got into others in couple months ago but you are the one
who can show up in my dreams. You are the only man whom I want
to travel with, and spend my life with.
I don't even figure out that do I still fall into you or not,
but one thing for sure is that you take a great part in my mind.

Till now, I can't imagine that I can see u again freely,
and not mention to work with u. So as the usual,
I have to escape where you are and hope someday
you will leave my dream. At that time, I can truly
fall into others.

In these days since I dreamed about you,
I feel deeply down and wierd.
Sorry about that I still have strange feelling to you.

台長: nagi
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