Belongs to us that one day also to have far, I do not dare to think, perhaps simply cannot have, only is oneself in one-sideds wish, defends you whether is as it concerns me good, I do not want to suspect, does not forewarn I liked, therefore I have lost, degenerated every one day, looked your condition, my also silently language, perhaps you did not wait for her, but I actually waited you, often I all fell in love do not belong to me the person, but liked on me actually not being able to be I wants, This is not a result which I wants, also cannot be, likes really needing the courage which I asks, but I have lacked it, let me not have the courage, did not dare to you to say, I wanted to like you, but you whether were willing to give me an opportunity, liked your for four months, is matter which I has not forecast, however I or could continuously continue, to like really being able to let the person incapably, also could let the person grow, I had not thought after her, I also could such go to the rigid another person, liked very being really difficult to forecast, Nobody dares to give the guarantee.
Defends a person is a joyful matter.