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MOCA 台北當代美術館

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MOCA 台北當代美術館

在邁向全球化、數位化、高科技化的國際視野中,當代藝術的活絡提供了城市交流、文化自我定位的新發展空間。而如何跨越藝術有限藩籬,與社會不同 族群互動,使得藝術走出博物館,進入社區生活,改變城市面貌,始終是台北當代藝術館成立至今,逐步開發奠基的方向。未來,台北當代藝術館仍將持續以充沛的 活力,透過豐富多元的藝術展演,刺激國內跨界域的創作火花,把創意帶進臺北、把藝術帶進社區、把日新月異的藝術媒材帶進歷史建物的新生命裡。 
Opened in May 2001, the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA Taipei) is the first museum in Taiwan devoted entirely to contemporary art practice. Our mission is to provide access to contemporary art from Taiwan and around the world to an increasingly globally-oriented, technologically-savvy audience. 
The building which houses the museum is a designated Municipal Historical Relic. Built in the late 1920s, this Japanese colonial-style red brick structure served as an elementary school for two decades before a fifty-year stint as the site of the Taipei City Hall. 
MOCA Taipei exemplifies a coming together of contemporary art, historical architecture, and high technology – resulting from the joint efforts of the Taipei City Government, the local community, artists, and corporate supporters.
As the world moves toward globalization, digitalization and technologically advancement – Contemporary Art provides an arena for artistic exchange and for the expression of cultural identity. From its inception, the museum has always recognized as main task to transcend the boundary that exist between art and the community at-large, constantly looking for new ways where art and the community interact, and striving to bring art beyond the confines of the museum walls and into the everyday lives of the community. MOCA Taipei will continue to move in this direction in the future. By stimulating inter-disciplinary creativity through multifarious and diverse artistic exhibition and performances, we hope to bring art into our community, and ultimately, to catalyze a spirit of innovation in the city of Taipei.

1919 「建成小學校」成立。 
1920 建築物開始動工 / 建築設計師:近藤十郎 
1946 國民政府播遷台灣,臺北市政府辦公廳遷入建成校舍,建成小學廢校。 
1993 市政府遷往新市政大樓。 
1995 建築更新規劃為二:正面作為美術館,兩翼成為建成國中校舍。建築物開始重新修整。
1996 建築被評定為市立古蹟,古蹟再利用工程動工。 
2000 臺北市政府宣佈古蹟現址成立為台北當代藝術館。 
2001 台北當代藝術館正式開館。
Historical timeline 
1919 Kensei Shôgakkô (Jian Cheng Elementary School) is established.
1920 Construction begins for a two-story wooden-structured brick building Architect: Kondo Juro. 
1946 The Nationalist government evacuates to Taiwan. The building is reappointed as the City Hall of the Taipei City Government. Jian Cheng Elementary School is abrogated. 
1993 The Taipei City Government moves into new quarters. 
1995 The building splits into two sections: one for Jian Cheng Junior High School and the other for the Museum.
1996 The building is designated as a Municipal Heritage Site. Renovation work begins. 
2000 The Department of Cultural Affairs officially renamed the building as the Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei. 
2001 MOCA Taipei is inaugurated.

台北當代藝術館本身以古蹟作為展演場域,具有將文化歷史與當代藝術並置的場域張力。基於此定位特質,台北當代藝術館所舉辦的展覽,具體呈現出當 代藝術多元媒材以及跨域整合的趨勢。豐富的展覽形式包括了當代媒體藝術、建築、以及視覺設計等等。藉由這些國內外策展人和藝術家共同合作的展覽成果,冀望 能反映出兼具全球性和在地性的視野。 
Uniquely positioned as an exhibition/performance space housed in a historical relic, MOCA Taipei juxtaposes cultural history with contemporary art. The historical architecture underscores all of the exhibitions at MOCA, Taipei highlighting the diverse media and interdisciplinary characteristics of contemporary art. Exhibitions at MOCA Taipei have included contemporary new media art, architecture and graphic design. By collaborating with international and native curators and artists, we hope to reflect a vision that has both global and regional perspective.
台北當代藝術館的教育推廣活動設計,包括了專家演講、藝術導覽、專題座談會和國際研討會等,並依照參觀者的不同年齡和偏好,規劃不同系列主題的 工作坊和創作營。除此之外,定期的義工招募並進行培訓,積極參與鄰近學校的建教合作計畫,致力於在地社區資源分享,亦為本館所持續發展的推廣工作。
Our education programs include a series of on-going lectures, guided tours, panel discussions and international conferences. In addition, workshops and art camps can be tailored to fit the ages and interests of specific audiences. Regularly scheduled volunteer training and collaboration with the curriculum in local schools, as well as sharing our resources with the community at-large, are all part of our education mission.

MOCA 台北當代美術館

MOCA 台北當代美術館

MOCA 台北當代美術館

MOCA 台北當代美術館

MOCA 台北當代美術館

MOCA 台北當代美術館

MOCA 台北當代美術館

MOCA 台北當代美術館

MOCA 台北當代美術館

MOCA 台北當代美術館

MOCA 台北當代美術館

館舍名稱: 臺北當代藝術館
開放時間: 週二至週日10am~6pm(每週一休館,國定假日照常開館)
休館日: 週一、春節
票價: 一般票50元,團體票(20人以上)40元
導覽: 定時導覽每週二~五11:00及14:00、週六~日10:30及16:00,皆有專業導覽員提供展覽導賞的服務,民眾憑當期展覽門票即可免費參加。
Email: service@mocataipei.org.tw
連絡電話: 02-2552-3721
地址: 臺北市長安西路39號


開放時間 Hours 

●  每週二至週日(Tue-Sun),10:00-18:00,17:30停止售票(Tickets sold until 17:30 p.m)

●  每週一休館 Closed on Mondays

info from


2012 12 24

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