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2014-01-07 07:00:35| 人氣626| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Horizons Restaurant

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Horizons Restaurant

Horizons is nestled in Burnaby Mountain Park amongst the lush green trees,

 beautiful rose gardens and majestic Japanese totem poles.

The view from the Horizons dining room is only paralleled

by the inventive West Coast cuisine created by Chef John Garrett.

Specializing in seafood and meat cooked to

 perfection on the alderwood grill,

Chef Garrett has earned numerous awards for his truly inspired

creations and praise from guests from near and far.

With a touch of elegance and an enduring classic style,

Horizons has been enchanting guests for over 20 years

 and continues to be considered one of

 Burnaby’s top restaurants year after year for fine

 dining and special occasions.

 Horizons Restaurant

Horizons Restaurant

chicken soup


Horizons Restaurant

Horizons Restaurant

pork tenderions

spinach,abugula, fbisee

Horizons Restaurant


 New Yourk Steak

cappuccino cheesecake


cappuccino cheesecake




Horizons Restaurant

info from



2014 01

台長: Momo~
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