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Sfinaki Taverna Greek Restaurant

推薦 1 收藏 0 轉貼0 訂閱站台

      Sfinaki Taverna Greek Restaurant


              Sfinaki Taverna serves rustic Greek home cooking.

             Sfinaki Taverna Greek Restaurant

            Sfinaki Taverna Greek Restaurant

           Sfinaki Taverna Greek Restaurant


          Sfinaki Taverna Greek Restaurant

        Sfinaki Taverna Greek Restaurant

             Saganaki $10+ free bread

                 Saganaki $10

              Sfinaki Taverna Greek Restaurant

      Yammy deep fried cheese .



  Fresh Greek  salad~ 


               Sfinaki Deluxe$18 

            Lamb souvlaki $18 

                 Lamb souvlaki !!LOVE IT~

  The Lamb Souvlaki is delicious and the potatoes are delicious.

     Spahetti meat sauce$13 with free Greek salad and bread. 


          Chicken souvlaki $13



The ambiance is so nice ! love therie background music  too.


Although they have all the same items on the menu

that most Greek restaurants have,

everything we have tried is really good.

My good friend -Joycle~We had great easy chatting in lunch time.


Sfinaki Taverna Greek Restaurant

Address~4061 Hastings St
Burnaby, BC V5C2J1
Tel:  (604) 299-3400
 Fax: (604) 299-3044
Cuisine: Greek
Price: $$ ($15 - $30)
Reservations: Recommended

more info at


2012 10 10

台長: Momo~
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