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S&W Pepper House 西南風 (Crystal Mall)

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S&W Pepper House 西南風 (Crystal Mall)

S&W Pepper House 西南風 (Crystal Mall)~the service is great!!

S&W is quite nice looking inside, with some nice wooden accents, and lots of bright light.  

Cash Only

$$ $10-15 per entree

love this dish the most~Fried lamb $13.95

Gai cai in garlic $9.95 Cabbage$9.95

Pork Bung with peppe$12.95 

Boiled Sliced fish $13.95

add rice $4

 Shredded potato$9.95

We sat in the only big round table in the restaurant .

Enjoy the spicy food a lot!!

Bring your cash or debit card when you are going to Chinese restaurant.

Though the pictures outon the windows.you can decied what dishes you want to try next..

S&W Pepper House 西南風 (Crystal Mall)

Their famous dish~

Guo-Qiao Rice Noodle Soup , Boiled sliced fish with assorted vegetables!

 S&W Pepper House 西南風 (Crystal Mall)

 S&W Pepper House 西南風 (Crystal Mall)

S&W Pepper House 西南風 (Crystal Mall)


S&W Pepper House 西南風 (Crystal Mall)
phone (604) 451-3916     

Burnaby South
1812-4500 Kingsway
Burnaby, BC V5H 2A9

more info at ~

2012 03 26

台長: Momo~
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