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2011-07-20 12:56:31| 人氣647| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

West Vancouver

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Nestled against the magnificent North Shore Mountains, West Vancouver offers unbelievable access to nature along with ritzy urban amenities. Cross swaying suspension bridges. Hike or mountain bike through parks laden with old-growth rainforest. Ski, snowboard, and snowshoe on awe-inspiring mountains that were showcased during the 2010 Olympic Games. Or shop for First Nations art, followed by West Coast dining. It's possible to do all these things in one day on Vancouver's North Shore.

Most of its highlights are just a 20-minute drive from downtown Vancouver across the Lions Gate Bridge. The area known as Vancouver's North Shore (also encompassing neighbouring North Vancouver) is inhabited by nearly 180,000 active, green-minded citizens. About 44,000 are in West Vancouver.

    2011 07 18 West Vancouver

台長: Momo~
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全站分類: 海外旅遊(國外、大陸) | 個人分類: Travel in Canada 旅遊 |
此分類下一篇:West4th~Great street for shopping

lighthouse park...here we come!!!!!!!!!!!
2011-07-23 02:55:56
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