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噶瑪彭措確林 百年茶會

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噶瑪彭措確林 百年茶會


佛法常興 法輪常轉

  上師蓮足穩固 久住世間

   世界和平 社稷 人民安康

   遠離刀兵 免遭天災 劫難

噶瑪彭措確林 百年茶會

祈求上師長壽住世 ~

葛瑪彭措確林 百年茶會

金剛上師 嘉誠喇嘛


        噶瑪彭措確林指導上師    嘉誠喇嘛1944年生於西藏阿里地區。八歲即在  

  第十六世大寶法王座下出家。隨侍    法王身側27年, 為    十六世大寶法王主要隨侍之一。

          修學期間歷經噶瑪噶舉傳統三年三個月三天閉關, 計三次; 且領受    頂果欽哲仁波切親自傳授普巴金剛教法, 由    頂果欽哲仁波切親自指導閉關達半年之久。另受    卡盧仁波切親傳時輪金剛法。


        曾在西藏及尼泊爾的邊界山區 La-Chi-白教祖師    密勒日巴尊者曾閉關的山洞中閉關。圓滿四加行閉關五次, 歷經各種長短期的閉關總計共達十九年之久。


        1991年應    葛旺仁波切的邀請, 跟隨    蔣貢康楚仁波切到台灣宏法, 與台灣有情眾生結下法緣, 從此展開在台灣長期傳法利生的事業。


        1997年親率弟子排除萬難在台北市成立竹風佛法學會, 1999 年    十七世大寶法王-噶瑪巴泰耶多傑第一次來台宏法之時, 上師帶領弟子將竹風佛法學會呈獻給    十七世大寶法王, 並蒙噶瑪巴親賜道場法名”噶瑪彭措確林”-意即佛法興盛之處。


        2004 年應邀到加拿大的溫哥華宏法, 短短數天中上師展現出無比的慈悲與智慧: 讓眾生明白”人生在世, 豈無爭戰”, 因而放下執著; 讓弟子了解”佛法是一種生活態度的展現”, 因而實修佛法。當地的學佛弟子有感於這個時代真正實修實證的佛法教師難尋, 遂誠懇祈請上師慈悲常住加拿大, 故應當地居士成立加拿大噶瑪彭措確林學佛中心, 以接引有緣眾生。


         有鑑於這個時代, 物質文明進步但精神生活卻相對貧乏, 所以特別重視將佛法的實修實證運用在日常生活中: 在談吐進退中, 表現出佛法的包容與幽默; 在舉止行儀中表現出佛法的精神; 對弟子的教授總是以身作則, 勸人為善, 明辨是非; 對人際和諧的互相往來尤其注重, 此外上師更親率弟子募款樂捐, 幫助在尼泊爾的有心精進修行僧眾, 並護持閉關的喇嘛們, 以及正在就學中的堪布, 提供他們修行所需要的資糧。


        上師是一位解行並重的行者, 且是一位非常注重實修的大沙門。深諳弟子心性, 能將佛法的精細微妙處, 以其實修實證的經驗, 用深入淺出的方式, 讓弟子明真心, 見佛性。並且不斷告誡前來請益的有緣眾生: 在世俗中的努力和追求是徒勞無益的, 要體悟獨處之樂及學習簡樸的生活。讓上師最感欣慰的事: 就是看到來學佛的弟子們, 因為學習法教, 明白教義, 進而實修佛法- 實用於日常生活中, 在心中升起利他的心, 生命因此而轉化。


         告誡四眾弟子: 要深信因果業力, 常觀自身, 少欲, 少事, 少務, 老實修行。

 Biography of Our Guru Lama Gyaltsen

Lama Gyaltsen, was born in 1944 in a nomadic region of Tibet called Ngari. At the age of eight, he became a monk and a disciple of His Holiness the 16th Gyalwang Karmapa, Rangjung Rigpe Dorje, who is the head of the Karma Kagyu Buddhist tradition. Our Lama followed the H.H. for 27 years as one of his main attendants.
    As Lama Gyaltsen matured, he came to appreciate the essence of Buddhism and decided to dedicate his time to the Karma Kagyu traditional meditation retreat, which takes precisely three years, three months, and three days. He completed the retreat three times. Since he was highly motivated and looking for a special teacher, he was able to meet H. H. Dilgo Khentse Rinpoche and get Vajrakilaya initiation directly from him. Rinpoche later personally conducted Lama’s retreat for six months. Also, Lama received the Kalachakra from H. E. Kalu Rinpoche, who was a highly respected rinpoche and considered a great scholar of the Kagyu Tradition in both Tantra and Sutra. After his receiving the instructions and getting his training, Lama Gyaltsen spent six months on meditation retreat at Lachi Mountain between the Nepalese and Tibetan border where Milarepa himself did retreat once. Lama completed the Four Foundations retreat five times, in addition to many other retreats. Altogether he spent 19 years of his life in retreat.

After completing his retreat goal in the cave, Lama Gyaltsen decided to go back to his monastery and practice the daily rituals. Once there, he impressed other monks and lay people with his wisdom and knowledge. As result, the monks gave him the title of Vajra Master of the monastery. Soon, he was invited to Taiwan in 1991 along with the H. E. 3rd Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche, and from then to now, he has been propagating the dharma in Taiwan.
     In 1997, Lama Gyaltsen encouraged his followers to establish the Chu-Fong Buddhist Association in Taipei. During H. H. the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, Trinley Thaye Dorje’s, first visit to Taiwan in 1999, Lama advised his students to offer the Association to H. H. the Karmapa as a symbol of respect and faith. H.H. the Karmapa later bestowed the association the name "Karma Phuntsok Choeling," which means "The place where dharma flourishes."
     In 2004, some Buddhists in Vancouver, Canada invited Lama Gyaltsen for a week. During his brief stay, the people were impressed by his immeasurable compassion and wisdom. His teaching and demeanor subtly taught all that Buddhism is not only a religion but also a practical method of developing better patterns of living. Since such an inspired and qualified Buddhist teacher is rare, the lay people in Vancouver convinced this inspiring guru to stay there longer. Accordingly, the Karma Phuntsok Choeling Association was established in Vancouver to propagate the dharma with Lama Gyaltsen.
     As Lama Gyaltsen explains, nowadays human beings enjoy the benefits of material civilization but often lack spiritual cultivation. Therefore he advocates that modern Buddhist practitioners incorporate the Buddha's teachings into their daily life. He inspires his students by modeling compassionate and moral behavior and urges them to cultivate wholesome behaviors that will benefit all beings and to perform deeds justly in accordance with the dharma. Lama Gyaltsen regards harmony in interpersonal relationship as an important part of dharma practice. In a gesture to the international nature of modern Buddhism, he encourages his disciples to make offerings to the monks in Nepal who practice the dharma with diligence in retreat. Students are also encouraged to aid the khen-pos, who spend their time studying Buddhist philosophy and need financial assistance.
     Lama Gyaltsen is a genuine spiritual teacher who has both profound knowledge and practical experience. He gives his disciples instruction appropriate to an individual's nature and capacity. He regularly explains to students and laymen who ask for his advice that prideful endeavors and pursuit of the material life are in vain. Instead he says, we should learn to appreciate simple and mindful living.
     Lama Gyaltsen exhorts his followers to keep the laws of cause and effect in mind; examine oneself constantly; dispel cravings and worldly concerns; and dedicate oneself to practice the dharma. He would like to see his disciples actualize the dharma in many ways in their daily lives.

    Nothing can gratify our guru more than that these practitioners whose lives have been transformed by Lama’s compassionate instruction, which caused to raise their mind to benefit the other beings and eventually step forwards the path of liberation. 

The Chronicle of Lama Gyaltsen

1944Was born in Ngari, Tibet.

1952Became a Buddhist monk. His Guru is The H.H. 16th Karmapa Rangjung Rigpe Dorje

1959Escape to Nepal with 16th Karmapa. Then moved to Swayambhunath, Nepal.

1963 - 67Had first traditional retreat in Namo Buddhaya (3 years, 3 months, and 3 days)

1967 - nowHe was appointed as the “Dorje Lopen” in Shamar Rinpoche’s monastery, Swayambhunath, Nepal. “Dorje Lopen” is the “Chief Guru” in that monastery who is responsible for teaching and empowerment.

1970 - 74Had the second traditional retreat in Yannutser, Nepal

1974 - 75Participated the first trip of The 16th Karmapa and Shamar Rinpoche to visit Europe, America, and Canada.

1979Another retreat in Gadipu, Nepal (a small town close to Kathmandu and Swayambhunath)

1980Had Vajrakhilaya Phurba retreat

1981The 16th Karmapa past away.

1982Visited South-eastern Asia, Europe, and North America with Shamar Rinpoche.

Had another retreat at Lachi in late 1982. (Lachi is a mountain and located between Tibet and Nepal.)

1983Made a pilgrimage to Tibet. Then he was invited to Singapore to propagate Buddhist Teachings. (worked with Shamba Rinpoche in Singapore)

1984 - 88Had his third traditional retreat at the Rumtek Monestery in Sikkim

1991Was invited to Taiwan with The third Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche. And this is his first visit to Taiwan.

1994Was invited to Kaohsiung, Taiwan to propagate Buddhist Teachings

1996Was invited to Taipei, Taiwan to propagate Buddhist Teachings

1998Established “Chu-Fong Buddhist Association” in Taipei then stayed at Taipei to propagate Buddhist teachings till now.

1999Offered the “Chu-Fong Buddhist Association” to H.H. the 17th Karmapa Trinlay Thaye Dorje. Karmapa named the Buddhist Association as “Karma Phuntsok Choeling”

2004Was invited to Vancouver, Canada by Daniel Wu and Chun-Yi Tsai.

2005Was invited to Vancouver, Canada by Daniel Wu, Chun-Yi Tsai, and Jeff Wen.

2006Was invited to Vancouver, Canada by Daniel Wu, Chun-Yi Tsai, and Jeff Wen.

   十七世大寶法王官方網站 http://www.karmapa.org/






阿尼發表感性宣言與對金剛上師 嘉誠喇嘛的敬愛


噶瑪彭措確林 百年茶會


2011 05 29 福華飯店 Taipei

台北道場: 108 台北市萬華區萬大路344巷14號5 F

Info from 噶瑪彭措確林 官網


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