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2010-10-20 07:24:45| 人氣1,530| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Turkish Donair

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My favourite  is Chick warp~

Sometimes all you want is a quick lunch –Enter Turkish Donair.

There are three kind of meat you can choose;beef,chicken and lamb.

Only one worker in the store. 


 Prepared quickly, this donair was pretty chocked-full of good stuff, including big pieces of iceberg lettuce, tomato, onion, some tabouleh, and just a little tatziki.  Oh, and hot sauce with kick!  The lamb itself was really well spiced, with a pretty fine-ground texture.  The pita was warmed just a little (maybe by being kept to the hot cooking elements?) and quite tender with just enough “chewy” texture.  I, proudly, didn’t drip a single drop of sauce!


Turkish Donair

(778) 371-0371
Burnaby North
4066 Hastings Street
Burnaby, BC V5C


台長: Momo~
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