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Lynn Headwaters Regional Park ,

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Sherry and I.

Lynn Headwaters Regional Park .

Dog waste bag for free~


Sherry and puppy.

Lynn Headwaters Regional Park, North Vancouver

Dark green mountains rise steeply from Lynn Creek. Tree-lined trails trace the creek to its distant source. Novice hikers can sample the spectacular wilderness from the picnic area or level creek-side trails. Intermediate hikers can traverse side-slopes by following the Lynn Loop and Headwaters trails. Only seasoned hikers should venture past Norvan Falls.

Lynn Headwaters Regional Park is a rugged, 4,685-hectare mountain park, located in the District of North Vancouver, between the Capilano and Seymour Watersheds. Rugged mountain slopes receding from the tumbling, turbulent Lynn Creek, are the park's most prominent features. Numerous tributaries plummet to the Creek, creating spectacular cascades and debris chutes.

Related webpages :
FindFamilyFun: lynn headwaters regional park
BC Parks - Lynn Headwaters Regional Park
Lynn Peak hiking


Lynn Headwaters Regional Park has been welcoming a steadily increasing flow of visitors since it opened to the public in 1985 after being kept off-limits for decades as part of the extensive North Shore watershed system. To reach the park, take Lynn Valley Rd in North Vancouver to its uppermost end, following the signs to Lynn Headwaters GVRD Park. Public transit to the park
s doorstep runs from the SeaBus terminal in North Vancouver; catch the Lynn Valley (# 229) bus.


Enjoying the natural!!

 地圖:1號公路經2nd Narrow 橋,在21號出口接Mountain Hwy北行。

北溫哥華林恩水源(Lynn Headwater)公園
林恩水源公園(Lynn Headwater Park)是少數接近大溫哥華低陸平原的荒野山林,是登山者所喜愛的去處。你可以感受到翠綠的高山筆直地聳立於滾滾的林恩溪畔。沿著溪畔的步道,你可以到達遙遠的水源,沿途欣賞美麗 的次生林。你也可以坐在溪旁野餐,聆聽湍湍溪水的聲音。除了巨大的神木外,你可能會發現黑尾鹿、黑熊、啄木鳥、貓頭鷹、或罕見的有尾青蛙。

公園內的步道長短與難易差異甚大。由靠近溪畔三點六公里最容易的林恩環形步道(Lynn Loop Trail),到十五公里遠,爬高數百公尺,最Trail),到十五公里遠,爬高數百公尺,最困難的松雞高山步道 (Grouse Alpine Trail),這裡共有十二條步道與路徑可以選擇。一般建議,初次參加者宜有暸解步道的嚮導帶領。一般而言,林恩環形步道老少咸宜,配合生態專家的解說,將可以暸解高山峽谷的森林生態。

林恩水源公園可以沿Highway 1,過 Second Narrow橋,在North Vancouver 21號出口接Mountain Hwy向北行,接Lynn Valley Rd.東北行。環形步道共10公里,需時約四小時,中等坡度。


台長: Momo~
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