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2009-08-14 12:27:45| 人氣2,947| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

The trip in the Northwest BC.

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第一天8/5一早從北溫搭8;30 am Ferry到Nanaimo 沿途風景明媚

行動的喜悅紓解 從一開始籌劃此次旅行

原本以為不太可行 但下了決心 克服一切問題

 翻開地圖 帶了簡單行李 凝視這一刻迷人的景致


美國作家華納說:"在每一種朝聖當中 沒有任何一刻比剛出發時更讓人欣喜"

我們出發了!我也深刻體會出 壓力的能量早已消失無形~



  Comox Valley專門販售Oysters的製造工廠 Fanny Bay Oysters Ltd.

 在工廠旁的靠海岸處 有著一座都是生蠔殼的山

Fanny Bay Oysters is a Canadian company farming shellfish on the coastline of British Columbia. Our shellfish products include fresh and IQF shucked Pacific oysters, live, banquet and IQF Pacific oysters and live and IQF Manila clams.

Fanny Bay Oysters is certified by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency to export to Europe, Asia, and the United States, under the internationally recognized HACCP system.

At Fanny Bay Oysters we grow, process, market and distribute our farm grown shellfish, eliminating uncertainties associated with traditional seafood supplies. Top quality shellfish is consistently delivered to our customers on time, every time. Consistent customer satisfaction allows us to enjoy the satisfaction of a job well done.

World Famous Tour
Come and tour our new ultra-modern 20,000 sq. ft. state-of-the-art processing plant situated on three acres of waterfront property in the beautiful Comox Valley, 20 minutes from downtown Courtenay.

the flavours of the sea. Stop in at the Fanny Bay Oysters® Seafood Shop for a great selection of fresh and fresh frozen seafood, live crab, smoked salmom and more!





從Nanaimo開19號公路到溫哥華島北邊的Port Hardy約5半小時
  中餐 Fishes and Chips ~


Seymour Narrows is a 5 km (3 mile) section of the Discovery Passage in British Columbia known for strong tidal currents.[1] Discovery Passage lies between Vancouver Island at Menzies Bay, British Columbia and Quadra Island except at its northern end where the eastern shoreline is Sonora Island. The section known as Seymour Narrows begins about 18 km (11.5 miles) from the south end of Discovery Passage where it enters the Georgia Strait near Campbell River. For most of the length of the narrows, the channel is about 750 meters wide. Through this narrow channel, currents can reach 15 kn.

Seymour Narrows was described by Captain George Vancouver as "one of the vilest stretches of water in the world."[2] Even after Ripple Rock was removed, it remains a challenging route. In March 1981, the Star Philippine, a freighter ran aground in the narrows.

Seymour Narrows is notable also because the flowing current can be sufficiently turbulent to realize a Reynolds number of about 109, i.e. one billion, which is possibly the largest Reynolds number regularly attained in natural water channels on Earth (the current speed is about 8 m/s, the nominal depth about 100 m). Turbulence develops usually around a Reynolds number of 2000, depending on the geometric structure of the channel.


 Ripple Rock

Ripple Rock was a submerged twin-peak mountain that lay just nine feet beneath the surface of Seymour Narrows. It was a serious hazard to shipping, sinking 119 vessels and taking 114 lives. The gunboat USS Saranac was one of the rock's first recorded victims. On April 5, 1958, after twenty-seven months of tunneling and engineering work, Ripple Rock was blown up with 1,375 tons of Nitramex 2H explosive making it the largest commercial, non-nuclear blast in North America. The Halifax explosion in 1917 was larger but it was not a deliberate act.

The event was broadcast live on Canadian Television. The footage is also regularly screened at the Campbell River Museum.

Vancouver band The Evaporators wrote a song about the event and released it on their 2004 album Ripple Rock.

這狹長的海灣 就是我們將搭 ferry要經過的海灣       1958年 一些工程師實施大爆破 將具有危險的一些岩石炸掉 免的船隻行經時受阻


Seymour Narrows is a corridor half a mile wide and two miles long between Discovery Passage and Johnstone Strait. The tide runs through the Narrows at speeds from 12-15 knots with about half an hour of slack tide twice a day.

Since 1875, at least 114 lives have been lost and 120 vessels have been damaged or sunk in these waters. These disasters were mostly due to Ripple Rock which jutted to within 10 feet of the water's surface in the middle of the channel.

The first recorded victim of the Rock was the US gunboat Saranac which sunk in 1875. The last large vessel to run into trouble here was the Canadian ship, William J. Stewart, in the early 1940s, which was holed when it swerved to avoid an oncoming passenger vessel. The most serious loss of life occurred aboard the converted US naval vessel Grappler, which caught fire at the entrance to the narrows in 1883. About 77 people died, most of them Chinese bound for coastal canneries.

In 1958, after many unsuccessful attempts to remove the rock, 1,400 tons of high explosives were placed at the end of a tunnel under the narrows and the top 40 feet of the rock were demolished. It was the largest non-nuclear explosion in the world up to that date. Removal of the rock had been a politically sensitive issue because some feared it would trigger an earthquake or tidal wave, neither of which happened. Others opposed the blast because they believed Ripple Rock could serve as the base for a pillar to support a bridge across Seymour Narrows which would have been a major link from the BC mainland to Vancouver Island.

Seymour狹窄是一個走廊一半每英里宽和二英里長在發現段落和Johnstone海峽之間。 浪潮通过狹窄跑以速度從與平流大约半小時的12-15個結每日兩次。

自1875年以來,至少114丧生,並且120艘船在這些水域中被損壞了或下沉了。 這些災害主要归结于jutted對在水的表面10英尺之内在渠道中間的波紋岩石。

第一記錄了岩石的受害者是在1875年下沉的美國炮艦Saranac。 遇到的最后大船這裡麻煩是加拿大船,威廉J.斯圖爾特,在20世紀40年代初,鑽孔,當它偏向避免一個近來客轮。 最嚴肅的丧生發生了被轉換的美國海军舰艇Grappler,在1883年捉住火在入口到狹窄。 大约77個人死了,大多數沿海罐頭工廠的中國區域。

在1958年,在許多不成功的嘗試去除岩石, 1,400噸高性能炸药被安置了在一個隧道的末端在狹窄之下的和岩石的名列前茅40英尺之後被拆毀了。 它是在世界的最大的非核爆炸由那個日期決定。 岩石的撤除是政治上的敏感问题,因為一些恐懼它將觸發地震或潮汐,兩者都不沒有發生。 其他反對疾風,因為他們相信波紋岩石可能起基地作用對于柱子支持橫跨BC將是從大陸的一個主要鏈接到溫哥華海島的Seymour狹窄的一座橋梁。



50.111331760131° N/-125.327911376953° W

   Port Hardy的港口

  Port Hardy的港口


    Port Hardy的港口

在PORT HARDY港口 有人剛釣起的大鮭魚 正在清理台上清洗 

8/6 清晨五點就得排隊等候 還得檢查ID.


這幾位重型機車騎士從美國維吉尼亞州一路騎過來 真的是很具雄心壯志

   七點半的船 從天濛亮 等了兩個半小時才足以上船

 一一檢查證件 因為此FERRY會經過國際海域

Ferry上得另外付費Can$30 的VIP休息室

龐大的船 航行非常平穩 但3.4年前有一艘相似類型的船沉了

因為他們不小心關了自動導航 但幸運的是 只有一個人喪生

要搭15個小時從Port Hardy的港口到北方PRINCE RUPERT

   小車費用350加幣 一個人須付費150搭乘  且需要事先預約
  白酒  湯 全麥麵包  就打發一餐了

戲院的門上裝飾 原住民風格強烈!


我聽到許多不同國家的語言 英國 美國 義大利 西班牙 或歐洲人居多~




 看了兩場電影 消磨時間


加拿大最美的三個景點  1 洛磯山脈 2 尼加拉瓜瀑布 3 BC省西北船航線


天氣一放晴 大多數的人都跑上船艙外曬太陽


天氣變化很大 一下雨 一下晴 途中我們看到了海豚 鯨魚 還有許多飛鳥 !

Ferry離兩邊的島與很近 由於內彎深海 感覺非常特別!
Northern Exedition~


晚餐吃預約的餐點  一人約Can $30 飲料 小費另計 服務很棒!
乘客只能在規定時間下車艙 以免危險

有兩對退休夫妻已經開了上萬公里的履行 太佩服了!
重型機車騎士有共同點 瀟灑 大器 開朗 還有征服感~


此行程有約20多輛的露營房車 很多都是全家出動 最多的一家來自MONITABA 有七位成員~

 搭到PRINCE RUPERT 已經是晚上10:40了~

  靠近Prince Rupert時的美麗夜景
The trip in the Northwest BC. 車輛整齊有序魚貫開出FERRY~

2009.08/05.6 待續~

行程Vancouver ~ Nanaimo ~ Port Hardy ~Prince Rupert

台長: Momo~
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全站分類: 海外旅遊(國外、大陸) | 個人分類: Travel in Canada加拿大旅遊 |
此分類下一篇:The trip in Prince Rupert ~
此分類上一篇:The trip from Victoria,Chemainus to Nanaimo~

Nice! great trip for me too!
Thank you! So envy you...
May god bless you!
2009-08-15 13:10:35
風景實在美極了! 讓我真想重遊加拿大~~


2009-08-18 00:17:07
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