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2009-07-17 12:50:19| 人氣792| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

知足常樂!vs My shadow

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從東非來的朋友在夏天打工 開著冰淇淋車


若是天氣炎熱 有時候可以有1~250元左右的進帳

但若是天氣不佳 則有可能毫無進帳 作白工

好處是不用交稅 常在海邊欣賞美女如雲

壞處是在沒空調的車上 只能看著別人玩耍
看著朋友努力攥錢 考特殊駕照 申請職業學校



相信從不同國家來到加拿大 會珍惜且快速融入當地生活的



他曾告訴我 他從不會漏聽老師說的每一句話


印證了"知足常樂" 與不向逆境低頭




我相信 透過教育能提昇他的生活品質

我也相信 樂觀積極的人 一定能成功! 


 以下是他寫的一篇小故事 My shadow


 Even though it had been two years since I arrived at Sudan from Eritrea, East Africa, I felt like it had been for-ever. The long anticipated day of departing to Libya had finally arrived, but I wished the warm wind of Sudan would somehow make the day disappear while I was asleep. As I heard it from those who were in Sudan before me, to cross the Sahara Desert was not only to face hunger, thirst, and the hot temperature that burns your skin instantaneously as if it was waiting for you with great eagerness. It was also to vanish in the middle of no-mans land with out any trace; So, I was aware of the fact that I may not reach my destination. Preparing myself for the greatest possible danger, in this case it would be death before reaching my destination, I started packing. I didn’t want that cloudy day to pass by. I prepared food and water that would be enough for five days. If it was not long, it certainly wouldn’t be less than five days of crossing. The truck was waiting for us out side the city of Khartoum: the capital of Sudan. It was loaded with illegal goods that had to be transported to Libya. I didn’t care about it; after all I was illegal too. As soon as I arrived there the driver started whispering. “We will leave at 3 am sharp, in the middle of the night, so there won’t be many police officers on our way”. He had a long beard that had only made him look old and primitive. Some twenty three people, including me, jumped in to the truck and instantly the truck started moving a head with its lights off.


            The first day of the trip was smooth and we covered approximately seven hundred kilometers, twenty three hundred kilometers to go. Whether we had full energy to start up with or we were optimistic, nobody seemed to be that exhausted. That said, it was clear that everybody was also weakened by the restless long day ride. By the end of the day, when darkness started to take over the very bright and hot day, we stopped and we ate our dinner. It was too dangerous for us to continue at night; the police patrollers could see the head lights easily, so we spent the night there. The sand was so thick that we felt comfortable and slept on the ground .We all wished the same for the following days.


            The next morning, the driver woke us up and we continued to wards the north. There were no marking or any mountain that could be used as a guide to where we were actually heading. It was like an ocean with no end at sight. At around three o’clock, the truck stopped unexpectedly after an unusual squeaking sound. That was what I afraid of all along. It was broken and there was nowhere to fix it. Everybody started yelling and shouting at the driver. He tried to explain how he takes good care of his truck ; how he made his truck fully loaded for the kind of trip; and, that he had done his best to make it as safe as possible, but nobody was willing to listen to his regrettable mistake. Although it was unlikely that somebody could somehow find us, there was nothing else to be done except to just wait for anyone who could save us; But, even the police we were hiding from didn’t show up.


            Days passed since I had my last drop of water. I was worn out to the point that I couldn’t even move and neither could anyone else. I tried to call the person who was laying beside me. No answer. Either I was so tired that my voice was too quite or he was already passed away. I thought of all the friends and my family for the last time. I also thought how unpredictable life could be and how my last moments of life were about to end in the desert where nobody was around to listen eagerly to my will. Some more days passed; I didn’t know how many because I was in and out of consciousness. It was so quiet and I felt like I was in an empty stadium. Moments later, I heard a helicopter humming around. Following that, I heard people and I hoped. At first it wasn’t clear what they were saying, but when they came closer to me I heard them saying: “we checked them all and they are gone.” “Let’s check for other trucks; there is nothing we can do for those who are already dead; we will have to come back later.” The helicopters’ noise disappeared as it went further. It then turned quiet again. I had nobody around me and I understood that that was my fate. I thought of who would tell them my story when they returned. All the twenty three people weren’t waiting for them and I wouldn’t be either. I knew I was laying down on my shadow but I couldn’t see it. I was also certain that it was staying there with me. I passed my will; I told my story to my shadow, and left the desert to join my fellow passengers.






人生路要自己走, 兩旁鼓掌的人只有加油聲, 再多能量 也要你願意敞開耳際才能聽得吸取.


願意給陪與牽掛是彼此的緣份, 兩方的甘願程度不同,

會影響未來, 勉強得來的不會快樂,只會在短暫快樂後更多的憂煩.


人如海綿一樣,要吸取必須 擠掉已充滿的,


皮球越拍彈越高, 但 必須是充滿了氣的球才能彈跳,
希望你努力充滿自己後, 再跨步往下一步彈跳, 方向一定更明朗.


勇敢一點, 你知道關心的人並不少,除非你 推開阻起圍籬,

不要覺得孤單, 更不要忽略選擇放棄.


picture 2009.07.13Vancouver


台長: Momo~
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