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2004-04-06 14:36:48| 人氣2,011| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Pike Place Market~in Seattle.

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Chinatown paking -bustunnel route-metro--take walk about-10 min.....

The market is nine-acre National Historic District,
and home to more than 100 farmers,150 craftspeople,
300 commercial business,500 residents and 50 street
performers.there are open -
air celebration of fresh regional fruits and vegetables,
seasonal flower,herbs ,seafood,spice,cheeses ,
hand-crafted work byartisansecletic shops,
and fine restaurants and eateries.
many with views of ferry and freighter traffic on Elliot bay.

pike place fish co.and its fish fleshing fishmongers
are the new starts of "fish"a motivation video
used by the likes of Nordstrom,
the Boeing Company,McDonald's and many more...

Ps.Happy Momo.
Picture,by Momo

台長: Momo~
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