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2004-11-16 11:50:15


給我一個植滿玫瑰花的小花園. 可以讓我吸取粉紫的花魂. 給我幾杯香醇的紅酒. 可以染紅我的蒼白的雙頰. 給我不間斷的抒情藍調. 可以讓我獨舞至天明. 給我幾句真心話和動人的詩詞. 可以觸動我深層的感官意念. ...

2004-11-15 12:48:30


再見了,可魯〔很感人唷〕 這部片最近的確蠻熱門的. http://stars.udn.com/star/download/Download2250/goodbye.wmv 導演的話 ~~~ 當我的製片對我說:「真想看崔洋一的迪士尼電影」時,我就被他的說辭打動...

2004-11-09 06:31:32


似秋楓. 因風吹拂而飄落 在月影飄雪之間 對影成三人...... 一種如顫紅的葉瓣 飄逸而浪漫 一種如靜謐的優雅 忽隱忽現 一種如針刺的侵蝕 細細邃邃 一種暸然的心房 半遮半掩 轉眼間. 秋風停. 秋楓枯....

2004-11-09 06:12:10


採擷柔情似水的眼波 我等待的想望是一面甦醒的清新. 旋律. 奏著共同縈繞腦海的熟悉夢境. 我的詩.. 像是一句句激情的吶喊. 看過多少的風花血月 聽過多少的緬懷故事. 卻恍惚見你.~ 依偎在我身邊的輕柔. 輕...

2004-11-09 05:58:52

Tender touch.浪漫 Seattle

隨意掬起的浪漫. 即便是枯黃的葉瓣. 都印著相思瓣瓣... 大海般的遙遠 或是 ~~ 一吋吋 一海哩 一光年 當我觸不到你的溫柔時 就讓魂縈夢繫.. become a tender touch in my dream! picture. Momo in ...

2004-11-09 05:56:20

University Teriyaki.Seattle.

Picture. Beef .chicken Teriyaki. US$5.99+8.8%TAX. University Teriyaki.4108 University way. Seattle,W.A

2004-11-09 05:40:26

Cold stone creamery.

The founders, Donald and Susan Sutherland, have a passion for ice cream! They searched everywhere for ice cream that was 昼mooth and creamy? rather than the traditional hard-packed or soft-serve varie...

2004-11-09 05:35:18


1.carne asada .us$3.22.beef burrito & rice .bean.sour cream,salsa.us$6.picture..by momo2004.11

2004-11-09 05:29:00

Momo in Roberto

There are many different meals which are Comination plates .served with rice and beans..Burrito,Taco. with beef ,chicken or fish.24H .drive in or drive thru take out.nice side orders also.picture.Momo...

2004-11-09 02:46:57


校園笑迎秋楓飄 醺眼望景琴瑟敲 煙茫漫漫心意悄 塵霧花飛靈亦凋. picture. Momo in Seattle.U,W.USA 2204.11.06

2004-11-09 02:40:10


雲彩輕飛向瓊林 翩然幻夢似青縈 詠嘆秋來楓紅戀 柔羽淺笑憶思情. picture. Momo in 華盛頓U.W.校園. 2004.11.06

2004-11-09 02:38:05


當秋天來臨時 風兒就變得格外溫柔 雲朵也顯得更悠閒了. 但. 那愛的感覺 無需等待風兒..雲朵... 代為傳送. 無需等待落葉... 代為撿拾. 就..... 婉轉... 悄悄地... 嵌入呼吸裡. 嵌入夜夢中. 你的面...

2004-11-08 11:53:51

漾滿情愛.浪漫 Seattle.p.2

把理性當作阿斯匹靈. 緩緩伴著溫潤開水. 吞下喉~ 抑阻綺麗感性的抗體. 壓抑浪漫因子的繁殖. 時間~ 滴答~ 滴答~ 藥效慢慢退去. 多情的種子. 悄悄滋生. 偷偷爬上相思動脈. 流滿全身. 漾滿情...

2004-11-08 11:43:17

Snoqualmie Falls.

Snoqualmie Falls is one of Washington state's most popular scenic attractions. More than 1.5 million visitors come to the Falls every year. At the Falls, you will find a two-acre park, observation dec...

2004-11-08 11:42:27

Momo in W,A.Snoqualmie Falls.

Snoqualmie Falls is one of Washington state's most popular scenic attractions. More than 1.5 million visitors come to the Falls every year. At the Falls, you will find a two-acre park, observation dec...

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