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2010-08-27 14:12:31

Whistler Bungee Jamping~高空彈跳

高空彈跳 由溫哥華開車約一個多小時就可抵達~ 高空彈跳 以前都只是在電視上看過 此次親臨現場 高度約有十幾樓高~ 勇氣可嘉的年輕人 跳吧! 跳台 左方為專業攝影師 又為老闆 風景很美 跳一次一百三加幣 第二次...

2010-08-26 14:44:04

Insadong Korean Restaurant

I've been here many times over the years, and I've never been disappointed.Service is always prompt. You don't need to wave anymore; just need to press the button on the table.Ambiance is ok. Not shab...

2010-08-26 14:26:31

Cooking is so sexy~Salmon Misoyaki

Cooking is so sexy~ 自己下廚 健康美味又性感 愛美食 重健身 這樣可以保持健康又美麗 難怪我們美麗廚娘如此sexy~~ 烹飪課最後一堂壓軸戲 老師要教三道菜 食譜在下方 以我的程度 要做到操刀準確還有待努力 ~ 新鮮胡椒...

2010-08-25 14:29:04

Inception vs Salt movies~

Inception 頗有創意與建構思想的一部好電影 夢中夢又疊著夢 有著親情 友情 愛情的深刻詮釋在虛幻與真實中取得真正的感覺與人生之路 ~喜歡裡面的所有演員 ~那場雪地打鬥的戲是在加拿大拍的呢~http://movies.yahoo.com...

2010-08-24 13:03:05

Deer Lake B.B.Q. ~

周日的午後 在歌聲, 笑聲和祥和的友誼滋長下 度過歡樂又飽足的時光~ 牧師說個小故事 惹得在場朋友都開懷大笑 每人帶一份餐點 一同愛心分享 不浪費 重環保是我們的原則 美麗廚娘 Linda講解如何做韓式烤肉 有興趣的朋...

2010-08-24 12:27:18

Buntzen Lake ~amazing setting.

Location: From the city of Vancouver, British Columbia, travel east on the Barnett Highway towards the town of Port Moody. Turn north and travel to the community of Ioco. Buntzen Lake is located 4 km....

2010-08-21 13:42:13


Grand and Atrium Courts exhibitsImaginative, interactive exhibits and animated characters set in a virtual 3D animal world, Animal Grossology is an exciting exhibition based on Sylvia Branzei's best s...

2010-08-21 13:26:07

Gardenworks cafe~

上完烹飪課後 三人小聚喝咖啡午後一起分享旅居的心得與教育孩子的心情點滴 互相學習 增進友誼~我們三人身上的項鍊都是由Join (左一)親手設計做成的 長居台 港 澳 的台灣媳婦Aln(中) 是新移民 她和我一樣都是水瓶座 除...

2010-08-19 21:14:55


溫哥華美色最佳的短片vs讓生活中多了如似楓紅的璀璨!! http://il.youtube.com/user/LinChengTimehttp://il.youtube.com/user/LinChengTime#p/a/u/1/AVb7zEp_y9Yhttp://il.youtube.com/user/LinChengTi...

2010-08-18 18:57:58

Second Beach Pool at Stanley Park

Second Beach Pool at Stanley Park - Vancouver All you do is go to Stanley Park and follow the big circle around the park, you can’t miss it. It’s right across the road from Lost Lagoon. If you’re n...

2010-08-18 18:03:23

緣繫情牽 .維繫著人文

Donna and Iin Surry.There are so many beautiful oil paintings in teacher's house. 蕭祖銘Teacher's colorful paiting. 蕭祖銘Teacher and Sherry~在農業時代,曾經是台灣「經濟力」象徵的水牛,栩栩如生地走進旅...

2010-08-18 17:43:45

Downtown Vacouver

I likewindow shopping and find some new ideas. window shopping... he is 7 years old .his master was singing on the sidewalk to ask for some coins. he kind of enjoied the songs. A big hot dog only $5.8...

2010-08-18 17:25:19

Tropika on Robson

Since Tropika opened their first restaurant a decade ago, the three current locations are going stronger than ever, serving a delectable mix of Malaysian, Thai and Singapore cuisine to those looking f...

2010-08-16 10:09:07


Minimelts ~Mini Melts ice cream is a premium ice cream made with the finest ingredients from around the world. Unlike traditional ice cream, Mini Melts ice cream is flash frozen and has no air whipped...

2010-08-16 09:39:52

Posh Features Vs Sherry's Birthday.

info from their website.http://www.303-posh.com/Sashimi in English is “Raw Seafood”. Sashimi is considered a Japanese delicacy.I first remembered back ten years when Japanese food was still makings ...

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