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2011-06-29 14:51:38

Green Basil Thai Restaurant

Great thai place. delicious food, attentive staff~ The restaurant decor is modern Thai and flows with the presentation of their dishes. I wanted something really spicy and their Red CurryTiger ...

2011-06-29 13:26:57

Ruby Lake Resort in Sunshine Coast~

Aplace full of power and tranquility, perfect for letting go and unwinding. Only 2.5 hours from Vancouver and 5 km from Ocean rapids and Princess Louisa Inlet Tours, 20 min to Garden Bay and Madeira P...

2011-06-29 12:37:47

The Sunshine Coast ~

Waiting for the ferry at Horseshoe Bay~Vancouver (Horseshoe Bay) to - Sunshine Coast (Langdale)I love dogs~~ On the Ferry to sunshine coast .It wasa beautiful sunny day~Seaside community of Gibsons La...

2011-06-29 09:22:42
2011-06-29 08:57:06

Tasty Village Restaurant~

Tasty Village Restaurant~4735 Willingdon Ave.Burnaby, BC V5G3H5 Tel: (604) 437-8813Cuisine: Chinese, Dim sum, ShanghainesePrice: $ ($15 or less)Service: Takeout, DeliveryShanghai cuisine, including Sh...

2011-06-29 08:16:36

Italian Kitchen Restaurant~

Italian kitchen.The art for sharing~ Italian kitchen.The art for sharing~ Italian kitchen.The art for sharing~ Gargancelli~on the right..free~~Italian kitchen.The art for sharing~ Calamari$13.95Chic...

2011-06-25 14:30:04

New age Chinese cuisine 京園小館

酸辣湯 咕魯肉 糖醋魚 位本拿比 Kingsway上, 在Best Western Kings Inn裡, 是屬旅館中旁附設的餐廳, 它是間台灣風味的餐廳!這間京園小館其經營方式較像餐廳, 有簡餐類, 也有熱炒, 游水海鮮等..多了一些料理上較精緻...

2011-06-25 10:57:53

麻辣誘惑 hotluck restaurant

麻辣誘惑homepage http://hotluck.ca/default.aspx menu http://hotluck.ca/Menu.aspx 麻辣誘惑 hotluck restaurant 麻辣誘惑 hotluck restaurant 麻辣誘惑 hotluck restaurant 麻辣誘惑 hotluck restaurant 酸甜...

2011-06-25 09:56:54

Lynn Canyon Park in North Vancouver

Lynn Canyon Park in North VancouverLynn Canyon Park in North VancouverLynn Canyon Park in North Vancouverhomepage http://www.lynnvalleymfg.com/Lynn Lynn Canyon Park in North Vancouvermore info and pho...

2011-06-23 01:10:25


《謝謝你,勾引我老公!》文章分享~~~俗話說的好: 再好的魚肉吃多了,也還是想嚐嚐大白菜的味道;再好的老婆處久了,也還是想知道別的女人的風韻。 所以,如果你下了決心勾引我老公,而我老公也上鉤了,我一點也不覺...

2011-06-20 17:53:01

The Vikings at the Scandinavian Midsummer Festival

Vikings at the Scandinavian Midsummer FestivalImage Courtesy of Scandinavian Midsummer FestivalDid Dad love Thor? Another free festival happening on Father's Day 2011 is Burnaby's 16th annual Scandina...

2011-06-20 00:36:25


meal: 珍珠奶茶滷味 排骨飯 雞腿飯 貢丸湯 蛋花湯   米粉 鹽酥雞 甜不辣 招牌飯 咖哩飯 牛腩飯 ~~~還有其他 珍珠奶茶飄洋過海 簡單大方的空間 孩子喜歡來此懷念家鄉味 YAMMY~ 這是我在溫哥華吃過覺得...

2011-06-18 16:44:44

Capilano River Fish Hatchery

Capilano River Fish Hatchery Capilano River Fish Hatchery My father inlaw was reading the Japanese information for Sherry.Capilano Fish Hatcheries, North Vancouver Adult fish who made it up the con...

2011-06-18 16:16:45

Grouse Mountain~North Vancouver

Grouse Mountain~North VancouverTimber wolves . We saw a white Timber wolf in the Grouse Mountain~ Grouse Mountain~North Vancouver Grouse Mountain~North Vancouver more info at :http://www.grousemountai...

2011-06-18 15:36:42

Dai Tung Chinese Restaurant

Dai Tung Chinese restaurant Dai Tung Chinese restaurant 美味實惠 ~推薦!! 建議先訂位 \ 整理完行李 今天心情就輕鬆了! 便宜又好吃!! 是真的~ 只收現金~ 得獎無數的餐廳 經過昨晚辛苦折騰 中午吃個飲茶...

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