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2004-09-28 02:54:55| 人氣20| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Run To You*

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I know

That when you look at me

There’s so much that you just don’t


But if you would only take the time

I know in my heart youˋll find

A girl who’s scared sometimes

Who isn’t always strong

Can’t you see the hurt in me

I feel so all alone

I wanna run to you 

I wanna run to you 

Won’t you hold me in your arms

And keep me safe from harm 

I wanna run to you 

But if come to you

Tell me 

Will you stay

Or will you run away

Each day

Each day I play the role 

of someone always in control

But at night

I come home and turn the key 

There’s nobody there

No-one cares for me 

What’s the sense

of trying hard to find your dreams

without someone

to share it with

tell me what does it mean

台長: 沒有人澆水ㄉ小花*
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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