2009' s 10 resolutions(make myself better be smart and successful & sexy )
1. to read the whole shelf before jun.20th.
2. spend 5 mins everyday to clean up room(at least hang dresses what on the sofa for 3month continued)
3. j-test(may.17th)-a/toeic(may. 31st)-800/JBT(jun.21st)-a/kanji -1level(nov.18th)
4. save money(at least 10) & stop eating junk foods & on a diet(keep to under 45-46kgs) continuously
5. don't even try to escape from any annoying thing(just say yes or no if it's your truthful emotion)
6. take actions after thinking carefully what i want & what u want
7. don't be so immature.be more confident.
8. more focs on my special(fashoin industry territory)
9. to learn how to invest smartly(read fortune magazines,news,books) & carefully
10. travel to izu,kyoto,kanazawa,HK,CA or NK, Thai