Joan Baez - Diamond and Rust 鑽石與鐵鏽
Well I’ll be damned 我慘了!
Here comes your ghost again 你的影子又出現了
But that’s not unusual 但這不是什麼不尋常的事
It’s just that the moon is full 只因今晚正逢月圓
And you happened to call 而你剛好打電話給我
And here I sit 我坐在這裡
Hand on the telephone 拿著話筒
Hearing a voice I’d known 聽著來自電話那端熟悉的聲音
A couple of light years ago 早在幾光年以前
Heading straight for a fall 就注定墜入你的情網
As I remember your eyes 而我記得你迷人的雙眼
Were bluer than robin’s eggs 那湛藍無比的雙眼
My poetry was lousy you said 你還說過我寫的詩有夠遜...
Where are you calling from? "你從哪裡打來的?"
A booth in the Midwest "中西部的某個電話亭"
Ten years ago 十年前
I bought you some cufflinks 我為你買過袖扣
You brought me something 你也送過我一些禮物
We both know what memories can bring 其實我倆都清楚
They bring diamonds and rust 回憶帶給我倆的是鑽石和鐵銹
Well you burst on the scene 你快速竄紅
Already a legend 已然是個傳奇
The unwashed phenomenon 平凡的天才
The original vagabond 獨特的浪子
You strayed into my arms 你在海上迷航
And there you stayed 就這樣停留在我懷中
Temporarily lost at sea 然而你只是一時的迷失
The Madonna was yours for free 慈愛的聖母無怨無悔的守護你
Yes the girl on the half-shell 是的, 那站在貝殼上的女子
Would keep you unharmed 將保護你使你不受傷害
Now I see you standing 如今佇立在我眼前的你
With brown leaves falling around 身後落葉飄零
And snow in your hair 而你的頭髮已有白雪的痕跡
Now you’re smiling out the window 現在的你站在那間破舊飯店的窗前¸
Of that crummy hotel 對著窗外微笑
Over Washington Square 是那間位於華盛頓廣場前的飯店
Our breath comes out white clouds 我倆的呼吸變成了白色雲霧
Mingles and hangs in the air 凝結在冷空氣中
Speaking strictly for me 似乎鄭重的對我說
We both could have died then and there 當時我們有可能就這樣死去
Now you’re telling me 如今你竟對我說
You’re not nostalgic 你不是個念舊的人
Then give me another word for it 那麼請告訴我, 你打這通電話的用意
You who are so good with words 我認為你是個擅長玩弄文字
And at keeping things vague 喜歡搞曖昧的人
Because I need some of that vagueness now 只因我現在正需要一點那種曖昧
It’s all come back too clearly 過去種種清晰的重現我腦海
Yes I loved you dearly 是的, 我深愛過你
And if you’re offering me diamonds and rust 但若你現在想給我鑽石和鐵銹般的愛情
I’ve already paid 我會告訴你, 我已付出代價
拜讀某小說之後,發現到這首Joan Baez 的 Diamond and Rust
在網路上找到了一些關於Joan Baez唱live的影片
其中的"Ten years ago I bought you some cufflinks"
慢慢的轉變成Twenty years ago、thirty years ago直到現在的forty years ago
"yes I loved you dearly 是的,我深愛過你"