Bob Dylan的歌,每次耳機隨機播放出這首歌的時候,好像立刻喝了一口濃酒,瞬間放鬆下來,然後就跟著一起唱啦!Don't think twice, it's all right~
叫你 「安啦~不要想太多!」
1.Bob Dylan-Don't Think Twice It's All Right
Bob Dylan,一位極具重要影響力的美國唱作人、民謠歌手、詩人。是當時美國60年代反叛文化的代言人。
他早期的歌有著濃濃的民謠味,伴著輕快的木吉他,聽了很容易馬上讓人回到60年代,這首歌詞聽起來有點像在喃喃自語,而我最愛的一句話就是- “Don't think twice, it's all right.”
很妙的是,1988年Dylan展開了一場名為Never Ending Tour的巡迴,此後以每年一百場上下的次數,在全球各地演出,真的是不老鳥,很佩服像他這般的體力還有熱情。
這首歌實在太有名了,所以除了Bob Dylan,還有好多人翻唱,我挑了幾個我很喜歡的版本~
Bob Dylan最重要的支持者還有朋友就是Joan Baez跟Peter, Paul and Mary了,當然,他們也都翻唱了迪倫的歌...
2.Joan Baez - Don't Think Twice, It's All Right
Joan Baez的歌聲溫暖而明亮,她與Bob Dylan曾經是一對戀人,在當時他們都以音樂投身反戰運動,互相欣賞而相知相惜,所以她也唱了很多Bob Dylan的歌,
她與Bob Dylan還有一段極具歷史性的故事...
自1963年,Joan Baez邀請Bob Dylan與她一起巡迴演出;1963年8月28日,兩人曾於著名的「進軍華盛頓」這場大規模的民權運動遊行中,演唱《Only A Pawn In Their Game》與《Keep Your Eyes On The Prize》這兩首歌曲。
這是她近期的演出,與Indigo Girls一起表演,聲音更成熟,一樣輕快的節奏,隱隱約約多了一股世故的滄桑感,但很好,很有味道。
3.Peter, Paul and Mary - Don't Think Twice, It's All Right
Peter, Paul and Mary也是60年代很著名的民謠組合,我發現那個年代的人,唱歌都特別的詩意,好像抱著一把吉他就可以走天涯的感覺。
4.Eric Clapton - Don't Think Twice, It's All Right
吉他之神Eric Clapton很man的以藍調方式呈現,裡面大秀了他的吉他技巧,很忘我的唱出這首人生的喃喃自語,好像在告訴我們,反正唱完了就,Don't think twice, it's alright!
5.Metric - Don't Think Twice, It's All Right
加拿大團,來自多倫多的獨立搖滾樂團,他們也來唱這首歌啦! 女主唱Emily嗓音很有個性,(長得也有點像年輕的瑪丹娜XD)
6.Natalie Squance - Don't Think Twice, It's All Right
7.Lauren O'Connell- Don't Think Twice, It's All Right
來自加州舊金山的Lauren O'Connell,她也是我很喜歡的一個網路樂團
她們組了一個團叫做 My Terrible Friend...
8.John Mayer - Don't Think Twice, It's All Right
年輕、性感,以及富有磁性的嗓音, John Mayer,也很隨性的唱出Don't think twice it's alright, 是不是帥哥說這句話又更容易讓少女心的我們釋懷呢~ (哈哈哈)
Don't Think Twice, It's All Right
Well it ain't no use to sit and wonder why babe,
If you didn't know by now.
And it ain't no use to sit and wonder why babe,
It'll never do somehow.
When your rooster crows
At the break of dawn--
Look out your window,
And I'll be gone.
You're the reason I'm a' traveling on
But don't think twice it's alright.
And it ain't no use in a' turning on your light babe,
The light I never knowed.
And it ain't no use in turning on your light babe,
I'm on the dark side of the road.
But I wish there was something you would do or say
To try to make me change my mind and stay.
But we never did too much talking anyway
But don't think twice it's alright.
So it ain't no use in calling out my name gal,
Like you've never done before.
And it ain't no use in calling out my name gal,
I can't hear anymore.
I'm a' thinking and a' wondering walking down the road;
I once loved a woman,
A child I am told.
I gave her my heart,
But she wanted my soul
But don't think twice it's alright.
So long honey babe
Where I'm bound,
I can't tell.
And goodbye's too good of a word babe,
So I'll just say fare thee well.
I ain't saying you treated me unkind.
You could have done better,
But I don't mind.
You just kind of wasted my precious time
But don't think twice it's alright.