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2012-10-23 16:37:00| 人氣528| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

《娃娃DJ夜》Monday Morning- Death Cab For Cutie

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 Oh yes the night is gonna fall, and the vultures will surround you,And when you're lookin' in the mirror what you see is gon' astound you.And all the glow of you from inside the room,Is burning on inside of you, it all began on a Monday morning 

 (這團 團員們看來都很老成也很"平易近人",然後取了個俏皮三八的名字) 

死亡俏妞計程車/Death Cab For Cutie - Monday Morning

Wish you all have a great Monday!   

台長: momo’s march
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