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2012-10-23 13:39:34| 人氣209| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

《娃娃DJ夜》Alabama Shakes - Rise to the Sun

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對我來說,主唱Brittany Howard就像是美國版本的Adele,只是力道更深,鄉愁更濃。她那明亮又溫暖的嗓音,帶著草根的率性,好像一股強勁的力道,衝破甜蜜的傷痛,讓人不禁隨之搖擺,隨之沈醉。 


 Well, my eyes are full of starsBut I just can't reach 'em...oh, how high they are I feel so homesickWhere's my homeWhere I belongWhere I was bornI was taught to goWhere the wind would blowAnd it blows away- away 


台長: momo’s march
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