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2008-03-16 03:47:44| 人氣64| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

The miracle has become lost

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2day iz ar damn day.
da fuckin feelin Bcom upset.
trouble never comz singly.

just wanna cry.
i afraid .i scared .
i dont want 2 lose anymo
Bcoz i lose 2 much in 07.
lose all i want 2 keep ,th i want 2 protect,th i askin 4.
so in 08
i never lose anymo.
pay my full power 4 that.
but tearz comz out easier.
i Bcom ar loser again & again.

true liez @ da bottom of ar well.
thz all da guyz wo protect me.carez about me.
i never 4got ur.

da thin i can do iz mo hard wokin to fix da trouble
i wont go Bck 2 my fameli protection.
fuckin preson will laugh @ my Bck

wutz da uz of worryin
it never waz worthwhile
just need 2 keep movin
pack vp da trouble in rubbish bin

2 kno everthin iz 2 kno nothin
2moro comz nothin

wutever mam haz dun men may do.
wut ever u do.do wit yr might.th dun by halvez r never dun right.

lov all wo carez about me protect me lov me.

台長: ¨Mòni
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JUST WANNA CRY, 全篇就识呢句。。。
2008-03-16 22:45:40
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