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2005-07-22 16:59:18| 人氣20| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Macdonals and insurance

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I've told my brother. He is okay with that.

Just let you know, Macdonals and insuance are two very popular kinds of network marketing. In this business some are consumers who merely want to buy products in this network, some are interested in training and people rather than being a seller and some are just incapable of doing a good job in network marketing. Go and read the book by the author of rich dad and poor dad. You will change your perception about this business as I did three weeks ago. I also changed my perception about insurance long time ago when I knew a few of my friends are selling insurance even though they did very well academically. A business of heart not head, not money.

I shall not say too much to convince you. But if you really value experience and exploration in life, then I suggest that you go to a developed country for sometime, at least a year. Because even though China is developing very fast economically, some of the perception and many more are still far behind the world.

台長: misswenren
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