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2005-06-28 14:10:01| 人氣18| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

work from home

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I think it's just an excuse of being lazy to go to office.

I didn't do it intentionally. When I was walking on the way to subway station, I suddently realized that I was wearing slippers! So I have to go back and change. But the time spent in waiting for bus and taking bus is quite some amount so that I made a decision to work from home.

Our company is very flexible. We do not have to go to office everyday. In fact a lot of them are travelling very often all year round. And at the very beginning, they told me that I do not have to come to office everyday. So what? That's the end. I stayed at home..

But as I always know, I will not be very productive at home. I may be very emotional at home too.. And that's what happened. Hmmmm.. So another conclusion is that: I should not be a housewife!!

Two more days from the so called dateline. "By the end of June", but who remembers this? Dongdong...

台長: misswenren
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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