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紐約一所表演藝術學校讓一名男孩成為舞后以後,惱羞成怒的女同學們在社群媒體上大放怒火。18歲的Matthew Crisson自認是跨性別者,表示他不是男人也不是女人。但這並沒有阻止他成為拉瓜地亞音樂藝術演藝高中(La Guardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts)的舞后。該學校最出名的就是啟發了1980年的電影《名揚四海》(Fame)。一名女同學在臉書(Facebook)上反諷道「我知道我去唸拉瓜地亞,就是因為有個男生成了舞后」。另一人則說「什麼都被男人贏走真討厭」。那些女孩應該要知道,如果你有遠大夢想、想要成名,就要付出代價。舞王Kristion Matas馬上跳出來替Matthew緩頰,並要女孩們停止抱怨…因為臉書上一則現已刪除的貼文,曾出現五百多則恐同留言。有些人可能會說,勾心鬥角和公主病脾氣是戲劇系學生正常的行為。但到底為什麼舞后非得是自認為女性的學生不可呢?英文原文:Butthurt girls at a New York performing arts school are raging on social media after a boy was crowned prom queen.18-year-old Matthew Crisson self-identifies as non-binary, meaning neither male nor female.But that didn’t stop him becoming prom queen at the La Guardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts.The school is best known for inspiring the 1980 movie “Fame”.“I know I go to LaGuardia because a boy won prom queen,” one girl whined on Facebook.“It just sucks that men win everything,” wailed another.Well, those girls should know that if you’ve got big dreams and you want fame, that fame costs.Prom king Kristion Matas leapt to Matthew’s defence and told the girls to stop bitching ...… after more than 500 homophobic comments appeared on a now deleted Facebook post.Some might say cattiness and diva-ish tantrums are normal behavior for drama students.But is there really any reason why the prom queen has to be a student who identifies as female?原文影片請看此

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