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一對洛杉磯的同性伴侶提告一名夏威夷警察、檀香山郡以及檀香山市政府。地方媒體Hawaii News Now 報導,今年三月,這對伴侶在夏威夷旅遊時,因在公共場所接吻被一名警察攻擊,還因此被逮捕。

根據上週二的訴訟,3月3日,25歲的Courtney Wilson與21歲的Taylor Guerrero在夏威夷Pupukea 一間名為Foodland 的超級市場逛街。當這對伴侶在擁抱與接吻時,一名不在值勤的警察Bobby Harrison,穿著制服看見,告訴他們說「到別的地方去做這檔事」。

這對伴侶稱當她們在結帳的時候,這名警察又看見她們在接吻,所以走過去威脅要控告她們非法入侵。Wilson 打電話向警方報警這名警察,就在這時發生了肢體衝突。

Harrison 據報抓住Wilson的手臂。當Guerrero 試圖要把他們分開,警察把她推倒在地。Guerrero 踢了警察一腳,而警察則朝Wilson 的臉揮拳。當時這名警察沒有攜帶手銬,這對伴侶稱店員隨即使用束線帶將她們的手綁起來。



Wilson 告訴地方媒體Hawaii News Now:「我認為這名警察做的事情毫無疑問是錯的。我想要讓大家引以為戒。」


HONOLULU — A same sex couple from Los Angeles are suing a police officer in Hawaii, along with the city and county of Honolulu after they were arrested while on vacation in March by the officer who allegedly attacked them for kissing in public, Hawaii News Now reports.

According to the lawsuit filed on Tuesday, Courtney Wilson, 25,  and Taylor Guerrero, 21, were shopping at Foodland grocery store in Pupukea on March 3. They were hugging and kissing each other, when Bobby Harrison, an off-duty officer in uniform spotted them and told them to “take it somewhere else.” 

The woman claim that while they were checking out, Officer Harrison saw them kiss again and approached them, threatening to charge them with trespassing. Wilson called the police to report him and that’s when it got physical. 

Harrison allegedly grabbed Wilson’s arm, and get in her face. When Guerrero tried to break them up, he pushed her to the ground. She kicked him in the leg and Harrison punched Wilson in the face. Since he didn’t have handcuffs on him, the women claim store employees held the women down until zipties were used to bind their hands. 

They say they were taken to the basement of the Foodland until more police showed up to arrest them. The couple were later charged with assaulting a police officer and spent three days in jail before they spent their vacation money to be bailed out. As part of their criminal charges they were not allowed to leave the island. They were forced to sleep in a park and take jobs cleaning vacation homes until the charges against them were dropped.

Now they’re suing Harrison, a 26-year veteran of the police force, and others who held them against their will, citing the deprivation of rights, privileges, and immunities that should have been secured by the Constitution. 

Wilson told Hawaii News Now: “I just think that what he did was absolutely wrong without a doubt, I just really want an example to be made.”


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