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2015-09-17 01:37:00| 人氣345| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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這位在切斯尼高中(Chesnee High School)就讀的學生Brianna,在諸多場合都穿一件寫著「沒人知道我是拉子」標語的T恤,並沒有碰上什麼麻煩。








推特用戶user @superhero15mic對自己學校的服裝規定,非常不滿。




A South Carolina high school tripped over itself and slammed face first into the national spotlight  last week after suspending an openly gay senior classman for her, quote, ‘disruptive’ t-shirt. 

Brianna Popour, a senior at Chesnee High School, on several occasions wore a t-shirt to school that reads, “Nobody knows I’m a lesbian”, seemingly without causing a riot. 

However, when she wore it again last week, she was called to the office where an administrator told her the T-shirt was disruptive and she could change into something else or be suspended for the rest of the day. 

Popour pointed out that there’s nothing in the handbook that prohibits wearing clothes that reference sexual orientation.  

The unnamed administrator, who local news only reveal is a male, told Brianna that “Not everything is in the handbook.” 

The exact text of the handbook, by the way, is “Clothing deemed distracting, revealing, overly suggestive or otherwise disruptive will not be permitted.”

When Brianna’s mother, Barbara Popour, demanded to know “deemed” by who, she says the administrator told her he “does not like anybody in his school wearing anything that says anything about lesbians, gays, or bisexuals.” Barbara Popour found that policy to be discriminatory.

Predictably, the school’s overly specific application of the dress code has riled up the internet. The Human Rights Campaign has set up a petition asking the school to reverse Brianna’s suspension.

Twitter was also mostly supportive of Brianna, with user @superhero15mic lamenting her school’s decision. 

While @brandidiem, possibly responding to a separate T-shirt sighting, seemed more territorial than offended.

The school year is still young, so I’m sure we can expect more stories of dress code friction as America’s schools are reluctantly dragged into the 21st century.

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