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香港同志遊行2014 Hong Kong Pride Parade 2014

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The Hong Kong Pride Parade 2014 
Theme: Stand Up for Diversity!
"Stand Up for Diversity" represents those who are willing to support LGBT rights no matter they are bisexual, homosexual, transgender, intersexual, gender non-conforming, as well as all those Orange participants coming to this year's Hong Kong Pride Parade!
Our theme this year also stands for respecting sexual minorities who are all unique in our community. Under the hegemony of heterosexual monogamy, let us comrades stand together to fight for diversity on this November 8!
Date: November 8, 2014 (Saturday)
Time: 2pm
Gathering Venue: Victoria Park Football Pitch (Near Causeway Bay)
在英語世界,queer as a clockwork orange(像上了發條的橙一樣奇怪)將橙與同志連結,代表著很酷異很queer很camp很同性戀,總之今年你可以盡情怪異,因為今年是橙色的一年。
Color of the Year: Queer orange
Orange, is the second color on the Rainbow Flag. It symbolizes freshness, curiosity, queer and non-conforming. Orange, which is a mixture of red and yellow, does not belong to the three primary colors in the artistic world and hence symbolizes everyone's uniqueness in the human world as we all have different blending of masculinity and femininity. The English saying "queer as a clockwork orange" links up orange and LGBT to represent queer, camp and gay.
The freshness and curious feeling that the orange color represents will lead you to take a step further to support the LGBT! Whether you are new to pride parade or the first time to support LGBT, this parade is definitely your chance to stand out and to Stand Up for Diversity!


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