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January 5, 2010 - Don't say any words...

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I have not blamed anybody...

I only am want to be me.

I love the human is only you.

Just like this.

Does not need the too many sweet words and honeyed phrases.


[Forever] is must strive for depending on oneself only then to match diligently has.

I gives you the 「Option」...

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全站分類: 彩虹同志(同志心情、資訊) | 個人分類: 📍心情心詩📍 |
此分類下一篇:July 1, 2009 ☆★ 離「ㄞˋ」出走 ★☆
此分類上一篇:August 7, 2011 - ☼The strength coming from weaknesses...☼

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