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中央電台英語節目On the Line專訪伴侶盟理事長許秀雯律師,談台灣的同性婚姻.(2013.09.01播送)

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中央電台英語節目On the Line專訪伴侶盟理事長許秀雯律師,談台灣的同性婚姻、多元家庭立法運動,以及相關民調的結果分析等議題。歡迎分享。

On the Line: Same sex marriage in Taiwan 2013/9/1

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Same sex marriage in Taiwan

“Taiwan is one of Asia's most progressive countries as far as lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights are concerned. The government attempted to legalize same-sex marriage in 2003, the first country in Asia to attempt to do so but the legalization has been pending for ten years. The Taiwan Alliance to Promote Civil Partnership Rights (TAPCPR) has been lobbying the legislature to pass same sex marriage law in Taiwan. This NGO was founded in 2009 to advocate the equality of gender and sexual orientation.

A poll in September 2012 by Taiwan’s United Daily News, one of the largest media groups found that 55 percent of those surveyed approved of same sex marriage laws, with only 37 percent against. The Taiwan Alliance to Promote Civil Partnership Rights also did a survey between late June and early July this year and the poll shows that 52.5% of the respondents agree with same sex marriage and 30% disagree.

The president of Taiwan Alliance to Promote Civil Partnership Rights (TAPCPR), Victoria Hsu said they will send to the legislature the draft amendment to the Civil Code which incorporates the issues of same sex marriage, civil partnership system, adoption and multi-person relationship. They will hold a big wedding banquet for all types of couples in front of the presidential palace on September 7 to raise the awareness of the draft amendment. The alliance has collected more than one hundred thousand signatures for the petition for legal protection for families of diversity.
To sign the petition, please visit http://tapcpr-petition.twbbs.org/

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