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時間:7月20日(六) 19:00

1. Specially for 同志夏映會:「小丘」電影首映 & 導讀「小丘」。
2. Love is like a snake-吳星螢導演 Feat 同志。像蛇一樣糾纏聊天囉!

1. 參與活動者需具備LGBT身份
2. 免費入場歐!歡迎提早就座!








Ping-Ping, suffering from dysphasia, was a member of the Photography Club for the Gang of Nerds. An occasional summer outdoor shooting gave him a chance to be close to the model, a funeral singer, Xiao-Qiu, on whom he had a crush for years. Her exquisite beauty and the joyful pastoral life ignited Ping-Ping’s passion. After a few days, Xiao-Qiu revealed to him that she was pregnant with her boyfriend’s child.


That night, Ping-Ping dreamed that he had become the green snake in Legend of the White Snake. The dream was an epiphany to Ping-Ping, who now knew what he should have done long ago for his love for Xiao-Qiu. The film is set in the old-growth forest in Wulai, close to the location where Seediq Bale was shot. This unique and mysterious Taiwanese forest is perfect for the film to unwind a tender love story across time and space.


導演簡介 – 吳星螢Kilasme WU


畢業於國立台灣藝術大學電影學系,畢業製作《女神》榮獲三座金穗獎,於學生時期已展現優秀導演才華。首部紀錄長片《粉墨登場》登上商業院線並入圍第 47屆金馬獎最佳紀錄片,受邀拍攝2012年紀錄片雙年展開幕片大台中紀事單元-《一首小詩篇》。其作品洋溢自然主義時光況味,擅長將台灣不為人知的唯美秘境及風土人文搬上大銀幕,同時為當代社會議題提供全新視角。最新作品《小丘》選擇非傳統映演通路,即將以網路公映的創新發行方式與觀眾見面。


女神 2006 Aphrodite 

Short/Fiction/28mins/Colour/16mm 2006


Feature/Documentary/86mins/Black and White/HDV 2009

Graduated from Department of Motion Picture at National Taiwan University of Arts, Wu’s graduation production, Aphrodite, won three Movieseeds Awards. Her first film, Create Something was nominated for Best Documentary of the 47th Golden Horse Awards. In 2012, her Poems, was the opening film of Taiwan International Documentary Festival. Wu’s work has flows of naturalism and unique rhythm, capturing Taiwanese nature and culture in films. She also provides new perspectives for contemporary social issues in Taiwan. Taking an unconventional route of distribution, Wu’s latest work, Love Is Like A Snake, will greet the audience via Internet instead of commercial theaters.


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