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迪士尼宣佈,其下的電視頻道將於下年初的《Good Luck Charlie》劇集中,會有一條故事線,包含一由兩位 女同志媽媽組成的家庭。發言人稱:「開發這個特別的故事情節,是查詢過兒童發展專家顧問及社區顧問。
像所有的迪斯尼頻道節目,開發這故事線是為了和世界各地的孩子和家庭保持聯繫,並同時反映多樣性和 包容性這些主題。」

Disney: Good Luck Charlie's Same-Sex Parents to 'Reflect Themes of Diversity and Inclusiveness'

Before it leaves the airwaves, Disney Channel’s Good Luck Charlie will introduce viewers to a family parented by two moms.

RELATED | Good Luck Charlie to Say Goodbye After Season 4

Duncan parents Amy and Bob will meet the women when their young daughter Charlie hosts a playdate for a new classmate, in the B-storyline of an early 2014 episode that centers on Teddy’s bestie Ivy heading off to college.

The comedic wrinkle: One of the yet-to-be-cast moms winds up getting her ear bent by cornball Bob, while the other enjoys the pleasure of Amy’s company.

In a statement to TV Guide Magazine, which first reported on the news, a Disney Channel spokesperson said, “This particular storyline was developed under the consultancy of child development experts and community advisors. Like all Disney Channel programming, it was developed to be relevant to kids and families around the world and to reflect themes of diversity and inclusiveness.”

Do you commend Disney Channel’s mission of inclusiveness? And this is pretty much Ellen and Portia’s gig to lose, right?

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