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2013-03-19 16:49:25| 人氣215| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

【短片】I am homosexual 我是同性恋(1 of 3)。

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Everyone at some point suffers prejudice. People might say youre fat, badly dressed, too short, have a bad figure, speak crudely, or arent manly enough. It all comes from a conventional perception of what is right. We would all hope that society could appreciate real diversity in life. After all, each person is an inimitable original. Yet when homosexuals stand up and express this diversity, many people are still unable to accept it. Confucius said 2500 years ago that we should treat others as we would have others treat us. Professor Fang Gang of Beijings Forestry University uses his own unique way to tackle prejudice: as part of an open course entitled Hidden Voices, he has invited a gay man and a lesbian to meet face-to-face with students for dialogue. This episode of QAF Beijing is also an open classroom. Todays topic: A good man always helps others gain the acceptance he wishes for himself. Discuss.

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        全站分類: 不分類 | 個人分類: 🎥同志電影/電視劇/短片分享🎥 |
        此分類下一篇:【女同志電影】無影無形 Les invisibles (2012)。

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