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【彩虹民宿】古坑民宿「田心12號」【趴趴吧】Pop-Up Bar。

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How to Make a Perfect Party in Your Own Rooftop?
Yes, just like most of people, we didn't really have water and power supply on the roof, but they are the basic requirements to start a party! We have invited our "Resident Engineer- Ray" to connect both water and power up to the roof within limited resources! Let's see how the magic works!


We extended the water from the drain hole of the water tower, connected to an vintage faucet we liked over a small sink. There you go, a perfect small backstage of the bar!



And for the electricity safety, we added another circuit breaker just for the roof power to make sure the main power for downstairs still working if anything happen.



Haha! This is the treasure I found in second-hand store, A MINI PARTY LAMP! It's super cute and really adds additional party atmosphere!



Also thanks to my friends who sponsored their rope lights! They really look awesome in nights!!



We collected many glasses jar to make candle lanterns! They look great tying with ribbons on the tree!



The Chief of Tianxin Village owns a factory, so we went to borrow some pallets and hard cardboard to make little stage on the roof. Chief not only provided for free, he also hired some one to deliver to our door! How sweet is that!! 


All set!! Welcome to Sweet House No.12 Roof Party.


特別感謝台北的DJ Fokker、雲林科技大學熾舞社、美籍好友Scott McHugh為我們帶來令人難忘的一夜!

Special thanks to DJ Fokker from Taipei, Fire Dance Club of Yun-Tech, and our dearest American friend- Scott McHugh who brought an unforgettable night to all of us!




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