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Dear各位台灣關心同志普世人權的朋友, 國際特赦組織台灣分會邀請您簽署這份連署,因為烏干達反同性戀法案已經在11/21議程中被提出,預計很快就要審議,這樣的法案或相關修正案將嚴重侵犯LGBTI人士的權利,甚至危及他們的生命,按照本法案的內容,任何倡議同志人權的人權工作者和公衛專業人員也會受到處罰,因此這法案的影響力和它可能造成的後果是無法預估的。全世界的國際特赦組織分會都密切關注本法案的發展,也會視情況採取更進一步的行動,請您加入我們的連署,您的行動將真實的產生影響,使烏干達的同志處境不要因為歧視性的立法而更加嚴峻。 在沒有反同性戀法案的時候,烏干達已經有像是David Kato這樣的LGBTI運動人士遭到謀殺,烏干達的憲法就已經明文禁止同性間的兩願性行為(consensual sex),我們無法想像一旦這樣的法案通過會有什麼結果,會有多少人的生命權、性權、言論自由權受到侵害。 事關人命,請加入我們!本連署因為情況緊急,將在12/5(三)截止若有進一步消息可能會提早結束或有更新的連署請密切注意AI台灣臉書頁面! 國際特赦組織台灣分會秘書處2012.11.29 URGENT ACTION 緊急救援 UA: 338/12 Index: AFR 59/008/2012 Uganda ANTI-HOMOSEXUALITY BILL COULD PASS IMMINENTLY 反同性戀法案恐即將通過 The Ugandan Parliament is preparing to debate a bill which entrenches discrimination and hatred against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. The bill, known as the Anti-Homosexuality Bill, appeared on the Parliamentary Order of Business on 21 November, and could be scheduled for debate at any time. There are fears that the bill might be passed within days of the debate.

烏干達國會將就一可能加深對於同性戀者、雙性戀者及跨性別者的歧視與仇恨之法案展開辯論。此反同性戀法案於11/21的國會議程中被提出,隨時可能被安排進入審議階段。此法案恐在數日審議後通過。 The Ugandan Penal Code already prohibits consensual sex between individuals of the same sex. However, the Anti Homosexuality Bill goes much further. Earlier drafts of the Bill provided for the death penalty for the offence of “aggravated homosexuality”. It is not clear whether the death penalty remains in the Bill, but Amnesty International understands that some provisions may have been amended. In its current draft, life sentences may be imposed for consensual sexual conduct between people of the same sex. However the Bill would also continue to criminalise the “promotion” of homosexuality, attacking the freedom of expression of human rights defenders. Regardless of any amendments made, the Bill would have lasting, harmful effects on any Ugandan believed to have breached its far-reaching provisions, and it would significantly hamper the work of human rights defenders and public health professionals.

烏干達刑法中明文禁止同性間的兩願性行為。然而,此反同性戀法案規範更甚於此。此法案先前之草案對違反「嚴重同性戀」者處以死刑。此草案條文經審查後是否仍被保留於法案中不得而知,然而國際特赦組織據悉部分草案條文曾被修正。在當前的法案中,同性間的兩願性行為將被判處無期徒刑。而此法案也將持續把「提倡」同性戀之行為入罪化,侵犯人權工作者之言論自由。姑且不論所做之修訂為何,此法案將對可能違反此條文之烏干達人民造成長遠而不利的影響,且嚴重阻礙人權工作者與公衛專業人員的工作。 If passed, the Bill would violate the principle of non-discrimination and would lead to violations of the human rights to freedom of expression, freedom of thought, conscience and religion, freedom of peaceful assembly, freedom of association, liberty and security of the person, privacy, the highest attainable standard of health, and possibly, the right to life. These rights are guaranteed under Uganda’s Constitution and in international and regional treaties to which Uganda is a party. This includes the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights.

若此份法案通過,其將違反不歧視原則,同時侵害言論自由、思想、良心與宗教自由、集會結社自由、人身安全與自由、隱私權、享有可達到最高水準的健康的權利,甚至可能危害生命權。此些權利受烏干達憲法及其所簽署之國際與區域性公約所保障。烏干達曾簽署之國際或區域性公約包含公民與政治權利國際公約,經濟、社會與文化權利國際公約及非洲人權與民族權力憲章。 Please write immediately in English or your own language: 請立即以英文或您的母語寫下以下訴求: • Urging the Ugandan Parliament not to pass the bill in its current or amended form; • Reminding the Ugandan Parliament that rights guaranteed under Uganda’s Constitution and in international and regional treaties to which Uganda is a party would be violated if the Bill were to be passed. •

敦促烏干達國會不通過反同性戀法案或其修正案。 • 呼籲烏干達國會若反同性法案通過將侵犯烏干達憲法及其所簽署之國際與區域性公約所保障之權利。 請將您的訴求寄至: 烏干達首相 Prime Minister and Leader of Government Business in the Parliament of Uganda Rt. Hon. Amama Mbabazi Office of the Prime Minister P.O. Box 341, Kampala, Uganda E-mail: opm@imul.com Salutation: Honourable Prime Minister 烏干達國會反對黨領袖 Leader of the Opposition in the Parliament of Uganda Hon. Nathan Nandala Mafabi Parliament of Uganda P.O Box 7178, Kampala, Uganda E-mail: nandala@parliament.go.ug Salutation: Honourable Member of Parliament and Leader of the Opposition And copies to: 並將副本寄給烏干達總統 President of the Republic of Uganda H.E. Kaguta Yoweri Museveni Office of the President P.O Box 7168, Kampala, Uganda E-mail: secretary@op.go.ug Fax: +256 414 235 462 Salutation: Your Excellency

連署信件內容如下: I am writing to you regarding the Anti-Homosexuality Bill which is soon to be scheduled for debate in Parliament. 我得知反同性戀法案很快會在貴國國會中審議與辯論,因此我特地寫信來表達我的關切。 I urge you to ensure that this Bill is not passed in either its current or amended form. 我敦促您確保目前的法案或本案的修正案不要通過。 I would respectfully remind you that rights guaranteed under Uganda's Constitution and in international and regional treaties to which Uganda is a party would be violated if the Bill were to be passed. 我希望提醒您本法案若是通過將違反烏干達憲法與烏干達所屬的國際與區域條約。 I urge you to ensure that this Bill is not passed. 我再次敦促您不要讓這樣的法案通過。



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