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2010-12-25 02:51:37| 人氣469| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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隨便點進哪一科   都有醫生可以說至少三種語言  所以  我寫下了這樣的省思  (先寫成英文 之後再翻譯成中文)

This week is a wonderful time for me to engage in self reflection. I like to look back the roads I've travelled, where I stand now, and what's in front of me. This summer, when I went back to Taiwan, some receptionists in stores cannot tell... whether I am a Taiwanese not. I don't dress like a Taipei citizen. I saw too many Coach purses in Taipei, not in the US. BTW, that's why Coach stock is a good investment.
Here I am, in a rural American town where they dont have money to put salt on the roads (population = 26,000, including students).
Students who don't make to UW, who don't have money to go to private colleges, come to WSU. Some clients showed amazing strengths surviving abuses and trauma. Or, they are surviving a status-based materialistic culture (too many high-tech companies in Seattle and CA).
When I look west, skyscrapers are being built in a crazy speed in East Asia. It definitely brought anxiety to middle upper class all over the world. (it's interesting that Suzy Welch, (wife of Jack Welch, former CEO of GE), gave an example of taking her children for Chinese and tennis lessons in her book, "10, 10, 10." For centuries, upper class always needs to grow up in multi-languages....no matter which countries you live...French and English are popular ones for many centuries....Now, Chinese has been added to the list. Can you imagine the life that you have to learn 3-4 languages on top of 1-2 instruments and a couple of sports, such as golf and tennis as a teenager?

Therefore, I realized.....People use similar defense mechanisms to survive achievement-oriented (workholic) family, alcoholic family, and brutal wars - DENIAL and CONTROL. Denial is a wonderful coping mechanism for not having available attachment figures. Control is an even better strategies to bring up a false sense of security.

Merry Christmas and a great news for therapists...as long as we keep up the pace to join the global, mobil working force (and army), we will have no shortage of clients...
這個星期 我終於有時間整理自己的思緒   可以看看自己旅行過的道路   自己現在在哪裡   以及未來會是什麼樣子   今年夏天 當我旅行回台灣的時候  感覺上 台北的店員對我是  [相見不相識 笑問客從何處來]   因為我的穿著打扮完全不像是台北人了   台北街頭上到處可見COACH背包[美國的一個牌子]  我反而沒有在美國我住的地方看到這麼多的COACH
[美國的COACH股票在經濟下跌上是一路長紅    拜中國分店長紅之賜]
我住在這個很鄉下的美國小鎮   小鎮很窮  下雪的時候   沒有錢在路上灑鹽  [鹽分可以吸收水分 所以常常被用在保持道路乾燥 但是鹽很貴]   小鎮的人口是兩萬六千人 其中大部分是學生
什麼樣的學生會來這個學校呢?  首先 他們沒有被西雅圖的華盛頓大學錄取  還有  他們家裡沒有錢送他們去私立大學  [美國跟台灣相反  前兩百名的好大學 (大學部/本科生)  大多是私立學校   除了台灣知道的長春藤 每個州都有好幾個教會私立大學 強調教會的薰陶  以及小班制的教學]  [一般台灣人知道的州立美國學校都以研究所出名  因為研究所才是賺經費的地方]
我的學生有很多人都展現的非常值得佩服的生命力 因為他們的成長過程充滿了虐待跟創傷    或者 有些學生掙扎地在重視成就與物質的家庭裡尋找一點溫暖與愛
當我往[西方]看去 (我已經在美國西岸了 往西邊看去就是太平洋 然後就是亞洲啦)
我想到之前聽 Suzy Welch (他的先生是GE的前總裁) 的有聲書 10, 10, 10
他舉了例子中包括帶小孩去上中文課 與網球課   顯然中上層階級的美國孩子也是要面對全球化的競爭壓力
不管是  成就導向工作狂的文化  酗酒用藥的家庭 混亂的戰爭
生存的要訣就是  DENIAL 否認壓抑  以及CONTROL 控制
無怪乎  各式心理治療方法都鼓勵人們去面對多年來的否認壓抑習慣
甚至融入東方佛學取來的鏡觀內省 (mindfulness)

台長: 慢慢 (胡嘉琪)
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